chapter 19

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It didn't take long for everyone to come to Rachel's house as they did they all gather in the living room. "So tell us what you saw," said, Seren. "I had the Vision when Quinn hug me in Homeroom," said, Rachel. "What did you see," said, Lucy? "I saw Quinn smiling and telling me that she was happy it was Friday and I told her me too because she was staying over the weekend because Judy was leaving out of town for business." "That's s when all hell broke loose for Kurt, Mercedes and Jacob came in with guns shooting at everyone they left me for last so I saw him take his gun and shoot Quinn and say  Rachel is now mine as he points the gun at her and shoots."

"What Friday," said, Lucy. "There were posters about a football game happening that day same day so I think it will happen next Friday," said Rachel in fear.  "Can you try and see if you can get another vision?" said, Lucy. "I already try but I didn't," says Rachel. "If you do let us know ok Sweetheart," said, Lucy. "I will" say, Rachel. When they all left Rachel broke down and started to cry. Lena wants to her and hugs her. It took A while for Rachel to come down she had to use her inhaler to breathe again." So why aren't you surprised that Q here is your soul mate" said, Santana.

"I suspected it since we were in our freshman year but I just figured it out today" said Rachel not looking at anyone. "Why did you tell her sooner" said Brittany with a sad look?  "Brittany how should have told her that I suspected that we were born to be with each other when we are still so young and I don't know if she will be willing to give us the chance to be together" said Rachel getting up and walking out of the room.

Quinn was still seating down in shock. "Dammit Q snaps out of it and tells her how you feel" yells Santana hitting the back of Quinn's head. "Ow, why do you do that for" said Quinn?  "Go and tell your soul mate that you love her because she thinks you don't" said Santana in anger. "Oh god, she is my soul mate" said Quinn in awe. "Goddammit Q" said Santana and she facepalm. "Will you snap out of it and go get your girl" yell, Santana in frustration . "Right" said Quinn as she ran to Rachel's room.

"About time" said Natsuki with a smile. "Why did Rachel suspect that Quinn was her soul mate" said, Judy. "Pure told Natsuki and Rachel that they will find their soul mate at an early age but that Rachel will have a hard time for her soul mate may deny her feeling and never be with her" said Seren in tears. "God, Rachel must have suffered knowing that Quinn was her soul mate and was hurting her," said Judy in tears.   "We know it hurts us too but we couldn't stop it for they were drowned to each other we only hope that Quinn will open her heart to Rachel" said Seren in tears.

"Why let her tell her now" said Sam. "Because they will need to acknowledge it for Rachel and Quinn to help stop Mercedes, Kurt, and Jacob now said Seren.  "How could they help" said, Judy?   "Pure told us that Rachel has been the oldest soul probably in existence that her soul mate will be the same that will mean that Rachel's powers will grow to the point that Quinn and Rachel will be one day talk telepathically to each other and since when on is hurt and sick along both will become telekinesis" said Seren with a smile.

"That's why you made Rachel acknowledge that she knew Quinn was her soul mate" said, Judy.  "Yes, I did also because she was not the only one who had a vision today" said, Seren. "What did you see" said Judy in tears? "I saw both their death that is all I am going to say" said Seren in tears as she got up and walk out of the room.

In Rachel room

Quinn ran into the room when she did that she startles Rachel that was shirtless. At seeing this Quinn's eyes darken especially when she saw Rachel's tattoos. "You have tattoos" said Quinn with pure arousal. "Quinn what are You doing here" said, Rachel. "You can't just leave the room when you tell me that there your soul mates" said, Quinn.  Rachel just looks at Quinn with sad eyes and said "are you here to tell me you don't want me."  "No, I am here to tell you that I am one of the stupidest people in existence because at the first time I didn't know what I felt but each day that I have been running from my feelings and Santana was the one that just yells at me that I was attracted to you for I hated it When Finn would just look at you but most of all I hated that you where losing the fire in your eyes. that's when I got Santana, Brittany and Noah to help me keep an eye on you but also find a way to get you out of glee so you will be happy with Lena in the art club for I new that you sometimes help them said Quinn as tears fell from her eyes.

"Santana, Brittany, and Noah got surprised when I told them that the paintings that are in my room and the living room were done by you so I convince them to help me get you away from glee so you can be happy" said Quinn with a sob.  "You all 4 did that" said, Rachel.  "Yes, why did you think Santana didn't do anything to you" said Quinn with a smile.  "What are you saying" said Rachel.  "that I am so attracted to you since freshman year but I have been falling in love with you since you let me in your life" said Quinn in tears.

Rachel just smiles and kisses Quinn with all the love she had felt for her. When they were done kissing Rachel smiled at her and said "I love you, Quinn."  Quinn just sobs and hugs Rachel and kept repeating that she was so sorry for everything she ever did to her. "I forgive you a long time ago my love" said Rachel and in that moment the red thread of faith strengthen as the soul became one with each other they did Quinn and Rachel separated and their eyes widen in surprise. Rachel is the first to talk by saying "did you feel that."  Quinn just nod and said "what was that."  "I don't know but my aunt will know" said Rachel.

"Let's go talk to her" said, Quinn. Rachel put her shirt back on and left to talk to her aunt. When they made it to the living room everyone turns to look at them. "Where is aunt Seren" said, Rachel?  "I am here" said Seren right behind her as she enter the house with Prue at seeing her Rachel smile and walked toward Prue and hug her then said "I miss you so much aunt Prue."

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