Season 2: The Beginning, Chapter 1

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It's been about three years since I and Alex have been married, and also with the return of his long lost fiancée Eartha things have been a little weird around us at home. First Alex doesn't listen or spend much time with me anymore, he's hardly home, he's either with eartha or at work and of course according to some of the rumors at the hospital, she brings lunch to him almost all the time,while my lunch back home soggy all in the name of he was super busy at work and he didn't have time to eat or he wasn't hungry, I can't seem to ever understand him since then. Nana also helps me out by talking to him sometimes but he's very persistent at times and doesn't listen to Nana much. Speaking to you all reading this story, am not thinking its going to be a happy ending at all, Anyways am 36 weeks pregnant now and lily has been a very great help to me, she comes to the mansion to assist me with a lot of things, although the maids are there she known ill be bored and doesn't want me to think too much she brings me updates about movies or music or even the latest gossip magazines she could find, and trust me when I say she was always updated.

    Lily got married and also she was blessed with a very pretty daughter, her name was Heidi. She had her mother's round buggy brown eyes and healthy hair, but her skin colour screamed her dad, she was a very adorable girl, she sometimes followed lily on some days lily closed early from work and goes to pick her up from school, so she comes to the mansion, freshens up and have lunch, she's either doing her homework, playing with toys or having her siesta which is very super important, she always says her mum screams it everyday, lily did raise her well to be a smart kid. Also there's great news, Lart is getting married, yes I know I literally screamed when I got the Invitation, I was super excited and also so happy for him, he had to postpone the wedding because of me, but we kept it a secret though, if Sandra were to find out she would kill lart and literally stab my baby out of my tummy. I promised lart I would be at his wedding, but the scheduled date he first fixed for the wedding would fall in the month I was expecting, so I begged him and of course he agrees like what are best friends for right, I mean duhhhh, so I was happy, I helped him pick out his tux already, it fit him so well he looked like one of those runway models,gosh he was so handsome, what a bestie I have. Anyways things are still the way you all left off from just a few things changed and I just happened to update you on them so yeah, let's take the story back to the final scene where you left off, to avoid confusion for you and also new readers too.

Eartha? Is that you, Alex asked with the most puzzled face I have ever seen him put on, eartha, isn't that the name of his dead fiancée? Did she come back to life or what, I am very super, extremely confused.

After a while of confusion and tension from all sides, she sat down in his office to explain more of how she came back, well of course I had to be there I couldn't omit anything out of this.

“So I was rushed to the ICU after the accident, I bled a lot I actually thought I would die but lucky enough for me I didn’t, after I regained consciousness I told the doctor to tell everyone I had died which he did after understanding me, I ran out of the hospital through the back door exit, there I met a nurse just in time as I was about to collapse, she helped me up I told her someone was after me and i could not stay at the hospital if not I might get killed, so she immediately took me to her house that was where I stayed all this while, she really was of great help, she treated my wounds, fed me till I became like this, better, I did this because I noticed my accident wasn’t coincidental, it was planned, someone was trying to kill me, that was why I decided to find out without informing anyone i….”,
“ Even me Eartha, you couldn’t even reach out to me after all these years?”,
‘No, no, no Alex I did that because I felt you would  be in danger too, this person was ready to hurt me so he could go for the people I love if he didn’t get me, but I believe I have finally stopped whoever has been trying this and am back now”. She smiled, did she just smile, uhmm excuse me but Alex is already taken girl, back off, in all Eartha said, no part explained she wasn’t coming after Alex or interested in him, but all part interpreted she was back for him, shows she still loves him, well am not surprised it was a really deep and passionate relationship, considering how Alex fell in love with me, was because I had most of her features and did similar things as her but right about here I come in.

    “So how are you feeling now, better? Do you still need a checkup or you good? I asked not to seem like I didn’t care, because I really meant it, but at this point I was trying to protect and hold unto what was mine so I did it all with a smile.
“No, no, nah am good, am fine now, by the way Alex who is she?
Yes Alex honey tell her who I am, please tell her off, I could still see his love for her finding its way into his heart, I could see it clearly, it was obvious even in his reactions.
“She's my wife”.

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