Chapter 8

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So I woke up at exactly 5:30 sharp, said my prayers, took a shower, and got dressed. I had breakfast, bid my family goodbye as i headed out for my normal routine.
I left home around 6:34am, so I walked to the bus stop, of course the first bus will be there by 7:00am sharp. As I walked I breathed in the fresh air, it was quite nice and refreshing as I smiled breathing in such lovely air, I got to the bus stop, I did not even wait 3 minutes until the bus arrived as I payed with my bus card and got myself a seat.

  Of course I got stares again but this time they where good ones, stares of admiration I really loved them, I did not know how to behave since I handled the bad ones easily, the good ones were hard for me to handle too.

" you look great dear, how old are you", a lady i think should be in her mid forties asked,

" 20 I am 20",i smiled back at her.

"oh dear your so pretty and cute also, do you maybe have a boyfriend", whoah whoah whoah that was pretty straight forward and in a bus, hell no how did this woman want me to answer such questions in the bus, I smiled nervously.

"oh am sure many boys would woo at you don't bother answering me".

" no ma'am, I don't, I don't have a boyfriend",
"well isn't that great and surprising, my son and you would make a great match", she smiled, and of course I just smiled back at her.
Whoah , it was my stop next so I bid her bye and stepped out of the bus, I would still need a cab to the hospital am going.

oh yeah I didn't tell you about the hospital OK here's the thing, it's St. Xavier Teaching Hospital, one of the best there is in Nashville down where i live, and applications for the hospital employees where open so I applied online and I was picked for those who qualify for the interviews that will be held today, every science student under medicals dream of being employed there, why would you say I choose to go straight there instead of trying clinics first, well as they say first choice is always right.

   I walked into the premises and of course the air there felt important 😂 you get what I mean, I mean its a very big hospital and everything the air, environment, employees, even patients where so busy with what they where doing.

I got to the front desk as a lady with blonde hair, I think she was about my age, smiled at me and " good morning how may I help you".

" err.. Good morning am actually asking for where the interviews for new employees are going on?

"Yes , look over there, as she pointed,

"Where you see an elevator, right beside it is another elevator for the employees you take it to the 4th floor and then you see other of the new employees waiting to be employed"

"Thank you so much", I smiled back at her as I walked towards the elevator.

       I got into the elevator and pressed the 4th button as I waited, of course the elevator had to stop at other floors before reaching the 4th one, so at the 2nd floor a guy in his early twenties entered in a rush, dressed in his white lab coat and a notepad in his hand he immediately pressed the 5th floor button.

" Good morning", I greeted," good morning ",- in a hurry I see" I excitingly spoke.

" yes, but please I do not want this conversation to go anymore further".

Okay, okay excuse me is he being mean or rude you readers tell me, I was just trying to greet the guy and we ...well err... he did this, OK I am so done here, ding!!!

The elevator opened I dropped off it at the 4th floor, well that was a welcome. I saw people lined up and a guy was the last person standing on the queue.

"Hello excuse me please is this the venue for the interviews".

" yeah it is ,am here for the same ,too you can just stand behind me".

"Oh thanks" as I stood behind him,

"Noah, am Noah", he said as he stretched His hand towards me,

" Irene", i replied as I shook his hand and smiled,

" what part of the hospital are you here to work in?

" Physiotherapy Department and you?.
"Well err... Radiology Department ",

" oh that's cool", I stood on the queue for about 15 minutes until.... "Miss Irene Wells its your turn", I heard as I entered the office.......


" okay then miss we'll call you in two days, after those days if you don't receive any calls or emails or texts, then am sorry you won't be hired"," no problem sir thank you very much sir", I replied as I bowed my head and left the office immediately.

I was happy because my interview did go well and am happy am here, so I got to the elevator and there he was again staring at me with those deadly looks in his eyes, I entered and then pressed the 1st floor button, " why are you in here","excuse me do you own this elevator or does my sight threatens you"," ha! can't you read this elevator is for employees only and from what I see you don't work here and yes your sight does not threaten me it irritates me", oh my God this guy is super rude,"well I guess i did enter the wrong elevator, but it wasn't my fault I did not know"," oh you were too blind to see the sign I don't even have time for this", he said so as he stepped out of the elevator at the 2nd floor, leaving only me and my thoughts in the elevator.

I can't even imagine this guy, I mean who is rude to such extent. I said in my mind as I stomped out of the elevator and out of the hospital.

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