Chapter 6

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I just witnessed him kiss her, the alcohol wouldn’t dare make him go that far, Alex no, he should not have drank in the first place, he's not the kind to drink, when did this all start.

I looked back at them and they were all on each others faces, my heart burned seeing the two of them together, I had to do something if not who knows what would happen next.
I decided to hit the vase beside were I stood and ran back to the bedroom, well I hope that distracted them.

I ran to the room and also being careful with my bump, I leaned on the door as soon as I entered the room, my legs felt weak and I couldn’t even imagine I just saw that, well at least I suspected it but I didn’t expect for it to happen, I didn’t think Alex would go that far, why did Alex do this am sure he still has feeling for Eartha.

Thoughts ran through my mind as I slided down the door, I sat on the floor as tears began to fall down from my face, I just couldn’t control them, my chest felt so tight as if I couldn’t breathe, I was heartbroken.
   I heard footsteps towards my room as I quickly stood up from where I sat and laid down on the bed, of course it was Alex, he entered the room as he closed the door behind him. For a very strange reason I did not want him to see me, so I laid the other way round, with my back facing him as I sobbed silently. I heard a little shuffle before he climbed in bed, to sleep.
It was now morning as I noticed I had slept off already, the tears now felt dry on my face. I immediately got up as I noticed, as usual he wasn’t in bed, so I went to the bathroom to wash up. I entered the shower after pulling my clothes as I just stood there and let the water hit me.
So yes I took a while in the shower as I cried a lot, yes the water washed my tears away but of course everything has a side effect so yes, my eyes were now swollen. I wasn’t in the mood at all to wear any makeup so I just went downstairs for my morning routine. I was coming down the stairs when I met Nana.
“Good morning Nana”, I greeted as I took Nana’s hands in mine and smiled, yes I couldn't bend to greet because yeah, the bump felt uncomformftable.

“Oh good morning to you dear, hope you slept well”, she asked as she smiled back at me.

“ Yes Nana, my night went great and how are you feeling this morning”,

“Oh me, well am doing great honey, but I kind of notice your eyes bseem swollen, anything the matter darling”, Nana asked, of course she had to ask, my eyes gave off a lot of my emotions so if it is currently swollen, then yes, she caught me.

“ Oh no am fine, am sure I slept a little bit too much, anyways I have to go do my morning excersise routine, see you later Nana”, I smiled as I obviously, avoided her.

Whew!!! I avoided Nana at last, I hated lying to her, whenever Nana looks at me, it's kind of like she's staring right into my soul, therefore I can't bring myself to lie to her, but I had to this time, and i did not feel really good about it.

   My morning routines where now done, I stiil had to take a , mini shower, cause I needed to visit the hospital again for some mummy pregnant stuff, antenatal or whatever they call, I can't seem to get used to any of this.

Well of course, I had breakfast, today, it was just boiled sweet potatoes and sauce, it was delicious but I was sad because of what I saw last night Alex and Eartha did, it still feels like a dream to me cause it's unbelievable, so yes, I ate only a little.

Of course entering the hospital was always cold, I shivered a little as I entered I greeted a few people who came over to say hi as I headed towards the elevators. The scans were successful as I left the lab, I thought of seeing lily but I knew if I went there i was gonna see Alex and I needed space and I didn’t want to see him at all for a reason which I weirdly had no idea about, so yeah you can say it, I was avoiding him.

I walked out of the elevator just as I was about to walk out of the hospital, my name's been called.

“Hey, Irene, you came over I didn’t know you had to get checked today?

Forgetting my schedules now aren't we, I haven't even had my baby yet and you are already forgetting about me, great Alex, just great Alex

"How are you doing”, Alex asked as I turned around now facing him, he had smiles,
  Wait! Hold up, he has smiles, after what he did last night, does he have like what now,  Amnesia.

“Oh yeah I did, I just didn’t want to disturb you, I thought you would be busy, you know work related stuff" I smiled stiffly, anyone seeing me right now could tell they where fake smiles, but I guess he was in his weirdly new happy morning mood to notice I wasn't happy.

"I'll be leaving now", I said to Alex as I walked away not wanting to say anything to him.

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