Chapter 10

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" I just got the news from mom that you made it too St. Xavier", she said as she smiled broadly also being excited and happy as she she approached me and hugged me tightly I could feel the excitement down her spine.

"Yeah I made it in but you where not home that day and I didn't want to disrupt your work an....,"

"What are you even saying I, this calls for a celebration oh, in fact we should totally go out tonight come on pick a venue its on me", she said as her hands went akimbo and she smiled confidently.

" Nachos I said ",

" then nachos it is, OK but now am going to be your wardrobe at St. Xavier let them know you are related to the great jaehernelle", that's what her fashion line is called.

"OK so on your first day you will wear this pretty....," wait Elle I don't want a too noticeable outfit am just new there let me not get a different expectation or look, you know some people can be like all, she's new and she dresses like she's been here for about 7 years and all so please let's keep it simple",

" OK honey, I won't force you but just so you know you'll have to dress very well in cooperate so as I assist you, you should also be learning cuz I can't do this forever you know", she says as she smiles,
    " so everyday or let's say week I'll hang up your clothes for you with labels from Mondays to Fridays, or do you work on weekdays too?

" No I don't think so but when I go there tomorrow I think I'll get a better idea about how it works," OK so how do you like my idea about the clothes," errrrr.... Its fantastic I'll go with it"," yes, that's just great I, as she packs the clothes lying on the bed and shoves me too the side as she  headed for my room.
  She got in, straight for my closet, she then began to shove all my clothes  to the second wardrobe I had and placed the new clothes she brought in the previous closet," so I have arranged this here are your St. Xavier outfits", she pointed to the clothes smiling," and these here in this other wardrobe are your casuals like for other places but am sure you would be able to handle your clothes, and note don't wear a particular cooperate all the time they will eventually wear out so maybe next weekend or whenever you're free just give me a call and we will go shopping OK"," OK", I replied as I nodded," now put on some clothes we need to go out and celebrate I'll tell mom to get ready too okay", she said to be as she walked out my room in her cute bunny slippers.

I looked back in my closet and got a blue ripped jean, a white turtle neck my mom got me last Christmas, a thick jacket and my boots where ready.
      I laid my outfit on the bed as I approached my dressing mirror and sat down for my makeup, I should make the makeup as light and simple as possible, so I just applied little foundation, used my double eye lid glue, little eye-shadow, my eye lash curler, I filled my brows a little, I then drew my eye liner, little powder to prevent my face from being oily and a nude lip gloss to finish it off, now for my hair it was just simple I wasn't the omg what to do with my hair type, I just do little or whatever comes in mind I don't take it seriously, so for my hair I just packed it in a ponytail, I  put on my clothes, some cologne and now i was set so i went downstairs.....

   I got to the living room and they were all ready and waiting for me," I, heard you finally made it to St. Xavier, am so happy for you", Rio said as he hugged me, I hugged him back, "wow Rio I didn't know you to be such a emotional baby", I spoke as I hugged him and tapped his back," hey, forget the fact I am hugging you I don't really want to be anywhere around you or your business so hold up", he said as he loosens the hug and put his arms in front of me signifying me to stay away from him, the whole family laughed at the drama between me and him as we headed out Rio was always like that, so we all left the house and got in the car, while Janelle decided she was driving, we left home.

" We got to nachos the time was already 7:15pm, we got out of the car and headed into the eatery. "It been a while I ate anything from here", I spoke looking around nachos as we arrived, mum or Janelle always bought take outs, or I just simply ordered yeah because of the looks thingy it was really bad. We got a table by the floor to ceiling window in the snacks area, because I didn't feel like eating anything heavy like soups and so on.

" Here is the menu for today", a lady in a red collared polo top, blue jeans and black apron with her black face cap which read"nachos" on it smiled and handed two menu books to my mum and sister, I looked up and noticed her name tag it read "Maurice", thanks Maurice I said as she smiled at me and left the table.       

    "Hey! have a look at the menu, its your night", Janelle smiled and handed me the menu, I really have to say I like this new Janelle, she now has at least time to look at me or even smile at me, most time she's just focusing all on her work, I'll have to say Xavier has really in a way helped me, I smiled.

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