Chapter 47

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I jerked back a little, as I was frightened by what I saw so suddenly. Mum, Janelle,Rio, and even lily where all in my living room, and now sending me suspicious and questionable looks.

"Uhm...hey,..hello peop.... I tried to speak,

"Cut the crap, where were you, Irene", Rio spilled, now interrupting me.

"Yes Irene, go on speak up, you said you at Lily's place, but oh hey look Lily's here and she arrived without you and also arrived looking for you" Janelle spilled.

"Care to explain, what happened honey", mum also questioned, leaving my brain confused, as I didn't know whether to come up with a lie or stay clean.

"Uhm...i think you're questions are a bit... Too much"

"Oh come on, you know what we are all trying to say, the question is where were you all night, cause obviously you lied about being at Lily's place", Janelle spilled again, this time I looked at lily and she seemed helpless as she looked at me with guilt and mouthed sorry to me, I just nodded knowing it was surely not her fault at all, but all mine.

"OK OK fine, I was with my boss OK, he called me over to come help him with some things and we kind of ran out of time, before we realized, it was already so late to come back home, the security were not letting us, as you all know how they can be when its that late, so we booked two hotel rooms and that's where I was all night, y'all happy now, can I go? I asked looking at all of them.

"Hold on, so what was the need to lie to mum then, something's fishy Irene", Janelle still persistently asked.

"Yeah I did that so mum won't be worried, I was in a hotel alone, her thinking's might run wild, you know how mum can be, Janelle", I replied looking at Janelle.

"Am right here Irene" mum warned, as we both looked at her and laughed.

"Ok ok now enough with all the questions, let irene go have a shower and rest ok, while I make us something to eat" mum announced.

"Oh yeah Janelle, Victoria called me, she said she couldn't reach you, and that she needed to speak to you urgently",

"Oh shit, my phone had issues I took it for repair, can I borrow yours just to inform her about what happened, and what's going on?

"Oh sure here you go", I handed her my phone as I headed upstairs with lily, I knew she had loads of questions to ask me, and surely I had to spill, I was excited too.


"I too, still can't believe that happened, it  happened so fast, lily, it was really exciting", I spoke as I blushed a little.

" OMG!!! You actually made it, you're really lucky, you're so so lucky girl, am happy for yo....

"Ha, I knew it, something was definitely fishy", Janelle spoke as she barged into the room. She stared at me like she was going to eat me up, anger boiling already through her skin, I could feel her rage.
   All of a sudden her eyes suddenly glowed fire flies, her emotions like that of a little who finds a bunny and  decides to keep it.

"Am proud of you sister, finally my dressing techniques and prayers worked, you did it baby, come here", Janelle throws my phone over to lily as she comes over to me and pulls me in a tight hug. I found this weird but ok, am buying it.

"Errrrr.... Janelle not mad? I asked still confirming if my eyes where seeing correctly, to what was happening.

"Oh come on am really happy for you, right lily",

"Right, yes Irene we are happy for you" as she also joined in the hug, OK this wasn't what I expected, but like I said, am buying it.
  After a while, I and lily had already spoke so much, we did not notice it was getting late already, till Janelle showed up dressed, said she had a convention or something to attend by 7:00pm and she needed to use the pair of silver heels she had borrowed me earlier, she looked so pretty already, i wonder how and why she's still single.

"Hey Janelle, why are you still single, you're so pretty to still be one?

"Sis, everything in life is taken by just a single step, the things scheduled have to surely come at their right times, so right now I think even the creator want me to make money first before finding a partner, that's why he hasn't sent me one", she smiled right after what she said, I smiled too and so did lily.

"Ok then baby, I'll miss you, see you at work tomorrow ok", I  hugged lily as she did the same too.

"Surely, I'll see you at work then, bye bye", she waved I also waved back at her, as she hopped on the bus, and I headed back home.

I went up to my room, after taking a bag of cheetos with me from the kitchen, I felt like watching a movie, since there was no one to tell stories with, it was fun though, because the movie I was about to watch was sick, everyone on the internet was talking about it, so pretty just rented it on  box office and watched it in my room, its genre was horror and certainly it was my best.


"Someone's at the door, please irene could you get it, am kind of in the middle of something", I heard mum scream for me to help, ugh is this how my morning starts, hell no, the movie yesterday definitely gave me eye bags. I sluggishly got out of bed, in my matching PJ's, with bunnies all over them, they where my fav PJ's, because they where baggy and comfortable.
   I rubbed my eyes a little, letting me see the way more clearer, as I got to the door and opened it.

"Millie? What are you doing here".

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