Chapter 13

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As we walked Lart continuously stared at me with a questionable expression, it showed he really had a lot of questions to ask. I smiled lightly “as I begun speaking to clear up his reactions towards me.
“I will clear off all your doubts just be relieved a little bit ok, breathe ok”, I spoke as I bent my face a little to look at him, and he smiled lightly and nodded.
    The walk was longer than expected as I got different reactions from Lart as I explained everything to him part by part, by the end of it you could tell he was mad, very mad.
“I never in my wildest dreams would think that Alex would even think of doing things like this, it’s like he’s been put under a spell of some sort, hasn’t anyone told him anything yet?
“You know he doesn’t listen, he’s very stubborn, and I don’t want Nana to even know all this is going all , her health might not be able to take it, although I know Nana is smart enough to understand and would be sensing things by now, that’s why I don’t want her to even have more weird ideas from hearing what the maids have seen, because surely, they will speak to her about it, she’s very close to most of them, I complained as we were now heading back to the mansion it was already late.
“You telling me not to talk to Alex about anything is making me so upset are you sure you’ll be fine before your due date? He asked looking concerned.
“Of course am strong you know”, I smiled and he didn’t still thinking otherwise, “anyways how’s Jennie, isn’t she missing me at all it’s been ages since I heard from her”.
“Jennie’s fine, she’s doing well, I guess school work had piled up for her already that’s why”, he answered.
Just as we entered the mansion we meet Alex in the living room, I immediately feel a little tensed as Lart noticed and held my hand in his as we walked in his direction.
“I see you two had quite a while to catch up, how are things with you Lart”, he smiled as he looked at our hands and then pointed his towards Lart’s direction for him to shake his hand.
“Lart didn’t want to but I signaled him to, so he did as he let go of my hand.
“I see things are fine from your side as I have heard, you are doing well and enjoying yourself”, Lart asked as he relaxed a little in the posture he was standing.
“Oh yes, I suppose Irene would have filled you up on all the details you’ve missed”, he smiled .
“Anyways how’s the preparation for the wedding, stressful right?
“Oh not at all everything is going well surprisingly, there are no issues”, Lart replied, I could feel the tension between those two rising and already filling the room I didn’t even know where to look anymore.
“Are you already on your way out, I suppose you have busy schedules to get to seeing as it’s already late, you don’t plan to stay over do you? Alex asked as Lart rose his chin higher a little and answered.
“Oh yes I do actually but I’ll cancel some of them,, I need to spend more time with my best friend, it’s been a while we’ve seen each other I can’t just see her for a day, so I might even stay maybe er….2 days, err… 4 days, a week yes, it’s a friendship thing so I don’t really know, but sure if you have plans with her I could let you take her”, Lart smiled as he looked at ,me as he finished talking, and I stared back at him with a very confused face.
“Oh I see, wow friendship bonds huh, that’s nice, well who am I to end this friendship, please enjoy your stay the mansion welcomes you anytime ”he faked laughed as Lart reciprocated also, after a few glaring moments I went upstairs with Lart. As we got to the door of my bedroom he got a call so he decided to excuse himself and take it outside, I found it weird because I know literally everyone and everything he knows but I shrugged it off, it might be work or something as I entered the room and sat on the bed, thinking.
“Lart, where are you?
[Long pause………]
“uhm… I err..,
“Let me guess with Irene again, when are you ever going to just admit you still love Irene, and stop wasting your time with me, huh”,
“Hey, hey, hey, look calm down ok, I just came to see her because she was depressed ok nothing else I promise, so please would you calm down, she’s my friend I can’t just leave her, it doesn’t feel right”
“Oh but leaving me stranded and alone like I am going to marry myself making all the preparations is fine right? You know what, just do you ok do you”
“Hey, hey, sandr…….
[phone beeps]
I don’t even know what to feel anymore, I turned around only to see Irene, staring at me looking shocked as I have never seen before.
“You and Sandra had issues and you didn’t even, wait! Is it because of me? How could you Lart, you didn’t even find it in you to tell me and hid this”, she asked as she came closer to where I stood with tears already forming in her eyes.
“I suspected this, that you were hiding something from me, but I didn’t know it would be something this big, why Lart”.
“I couldn’t bring myself to tell you, it would make you feel like a burden to me and you are also going through a lot I couldn’t just do it, and not with you in this state”, I held her arms as I spoke softly.
“Still you could have said something”, she ended whispering as she broke down in tears,
“I don’t want to lose you too and Sandra she’s a lovely girl”, she spoke softly as she broke down in tears.
“I am so sorry Irene, I should have told you I am sincerely sorry”,
“Hold on! You love her right? She asked as I was in shock. I couldn’t answer immediately, for the first time in my life I had to lie to Irene.

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