Chapter 7

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The drive home was quiet, of course I was the only one, in the car and thoughts kept running through my head, the scenes from last night and then his happy emotions at the office, I really need to do something, Eartha is more suspicious than I thought she was, her character with I and Nana was totally different from her character with Alex, something was definitely wrong, another thought ran through my head, how was I going to approach Alex about it because it seems he could not recall anything from last night. I got home earlier than I thought as I carefully walked into the mansion. Nana was asleep when I had arrived so, I just went up to my room to get changed and rest and yes lunch was already prepared by the time I came back.
After a while of thinking I decided not to let Alex know I saw what happened the night before by deciding not to talk to him about anything, I had to deal with this in my own way and also deal with Eartha without showing it. It hurts me so much that Alex who loved me so dearly, who adored me, is suddenly changed drastically, it’s heartbreaking.
    It was evening now, just few minutes past 6, I just happened to have a called immediately, it was Lily.
“Hey girlie what’s up, how’s our new about to be mummy doing”, she asked as I could understand from her voice she was smiling.
“New about to be mummy isn’t fine at all”, I replied not smiling back at her over the phone.
“No, no, no, you shouldn’t be feeling bad now, what happened? Are you thinking about what happened at the hospital the other day, honey don’t read into what I said about Eartha spending time with Alex am sure it’s nothing, besides you shouldn’t stress yourself out this way, it’s not good for your condition am sure you know that”, Lily spoke back with a little anger mixed with worry in her tone.
“They kissed”, I blurted out as the call went silent, there as now no sound from Lily’s side of the phone.
“Who did WHAT!!! Irene am coming over right now”, she spoke immediately.
“No Lily its fine, I can handle it although it worries me, I’ll take it there’s no need to come all the way here now, ok if you want to come over then do it tomorrow after work ok”, I replied smiling a little
“WHAT!!!, how could you even say that, are you really calm telling me this now, am so pissed as it is now, before tomorrow I’ll not be able to vent out my anger properly because the anger might have subsided, I swear if I see Eartha tomorrow ill punch her in the nose”, Lily raged over the phone.
“Calm down Lily, am fine, but make sure to come tomorrow, we really need to talk, I need someone to talk to secretly, don’t tell anyone ok it’s just between you and I ok”, I told her as she also understood my point of view immediately.
“Ok then sleep well Irene, don’t think about it so much ok, I’ll be there tomorrow immediately after work, let me do the thinking for you ok baby, sleep well”
“You too lily goodnight”, as I hung up
I felt somewhat relieved after speaking to lily, it really helped, as I laid down on the bed, watching TV till I drifted of to sleep.
My alarm blasted so loudly, it almost hurt my ear, when did I set it to be so loud ugh, it hurts everywhere, today is Friday, I do not have any appointments at the hospital today so I don’t have to go anywhere today, I just have morning yoga and then my evening stretching exercise sessions, it was not funny at all being pregnant I was always tired and hungry.
  I washed my face as I changed from my night dress to yoga pants, I didn’t have my shower, because I know I will sweat a lot so I decided to do it afterwards. I walked down the stairs as I could hear a lot of clanging in the kitchen, I peeped through the door a little as I caught sight of Eartha in the kitchen, hell no don’t tell me she’s trying to cook for me, after what she did, is she trying to poison me now.
I just walked away from there as I headed for my yoga sessions todays own held in the garden so I strolled there, it helped a lot.
After about 35minutes of yoga I headed inside the house, I hope Eartha is not still there, today my instructor complained a lot saying I wasn’t focused, I guess things are still on my mind, I just can’t seem to forget, distracting myself with things will end up bringing me back to square one, ugh it was exhausting and annoying.
   Walking into the mansion I met Nana , she said she was on her way out, going to have tea time with some of her friends, she really needed it, she was mostly in the house, she’s either in her room or in the living room or out in the garden. I kissed her forehead right before she left.
“Hey, good morning”, I heard a voice echo towards my direction as I already know who the voice belongs to, I tilted my head slowly not showing my full face.
“Hi”, I replied without showing any emotions.
“Oh, I guess you must be tired, I prepared some dishes for you, I thought you, might be hungr…..
“Am not hungry, thanks”, I replied not letting her finish her statement or looking in her direction, I headed for the stairs and up to my room.
How could she even think of doing such a thing and coming afterwards to cook for me, even a kid would know her intentions were not right, or is it because she doesn’t know that I happened to see what happened that night, she was acting all nice.

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