Chapter 34

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What!! No no no I must be out of my mind, me and Alex no, how could I even no Irene you are a...... I don't even know what to call myself right now am freaking out bad. I thought to myself as I pulled my dress and entered the bathroom.

I entered the bathroom and it was scenting so sweet just like candies, I looked around and noticed the bath tub with warm water and rose petals all over.
    At a corner laid different colors of bath bombs,woah this is so nice. I stepped into the tub as the warm water crawled all over my body till I was fully in and it went up to my face, this is so relaxing. I laid in the tub for a long time, letting the water massage its way into my pores as I closed my eyes, drowsily.
   I could see the images of last night crystal clear in my head as the abrupt scene flashed quickly and I opened my eyes in disbelief to what I recalled i did, now this is really the end of the road for me. I stepped out of the tub and took a quick contrast shower, it helps me relax and relieved stress sometimes. When I was done I dried my face and some of my exposed body parts as I tied the towel and went back to the room.

    Thank the heavens I always had few dress up stuffs in my bag, i had a little body lotion I always kept in case my feet get dry, I massaged it gently into my skin as I did so slowly.

    Why did I kiss him back, I was still under the Influence, its not my fault at least, but still why me no I'll have to apologise at least, I wonder what he must be thinking now.

I was still having silly thoughts as I pit on one of the dresses Valerie gave me, how did she even know I'll need another dress, weird.
The sound of my phone could be heard near the room I was in, it was Janelle calling, that's true I missed her calls, I know she'll be really mad as I swiped my screen ready to be beheaded through the phone.

Irene: Hello Elle

Janelle: OMG!!! Do you know what you just did or what you have done,I never in my wildest dream ever thought you'll bring this much luck to me.

Irene: ermm... Ok what do you mean, am a bit confused now....
    I replied stuttering a bit....

Janelle: You introduced me to one of the greatest designer of all time" The Vitoria Gemini" CEO of the top fashion company of all time" Gemini F" do you even know what that means. You've just turned my life around Irene, I love you so much, I met like only twice I think, I don't think she'll even remember me, only for me to receive a text from her this morning saying we should meet up, when she'll be back tomorrow, to do a collab, I can't wait, by the way how'd you meet her, you don't even know her?

Irene: Oh yeah, she's my boss older sister,I went to have dinner at their place remember, lucky enough I met her, and of course I was wearing your designer dress, she couldn't take her eyes off she immediately asked about the dress and the designer, funny enough she still recalls meeting you, and then she asked for your contact which I did give to her.

Janelle: Woah that's cool, I think I'll use you as my model, sometime ayy...
  She laughed teasingly

Irene: When am free, I'll surely help you, durr..

We both laughed over the phone

Janelle: By the way, mum said she called several times you didn't pick up and you didn't come home last night?

Irene: Oh yeah, I...
   No I can't tell Janelle am still here, shell just tease me more.

Err.. Am on my way home now don't worry I'll call her once am done talking to you.
I smiled lyingly

Janelle: Ok then, talk to later lil sis, bye.

Irene: Bye.

I ended the call with Elle as I dialed Lily's number.

Lily: Hey it's lil-E, just kidding it's lily am kind of busy now so leave a  message.

Urgh! Where did she put her phone this time, anyway I'll try again later.
I think I'll go downstairs and help in the kitchen.

I walk down the stairs as I sight Nana wearing a lovely green dress and green flats and it all matched with the green and black stripped purse she held, she looked beautiful, she was talking to Valerie when I walked in.

"Good morning Nana" I smiled lightly as I bowed a little.

"Good morning darling how was your night dear" she smiled back at me weakly.

"It went well and you Nana, how was yours? I asked back

" it went well too dear, I heard about your hand, how you feeling now, any better or should we call the family doctor child?

"No,no its fine Nana, its better I really appreciate your help thank you so much"

"Ok then if you say so, I'll be leaving for work, anything you need you ask Valerie and she'll attend to you immediately ok?

"Ok, Nana thank you so much, but I might be leaving very soon, so I might not meet you when you'll be back".

"No problem dear, and just know if you need anything you give me a call, you're also free to come here anytime dear, ok".

"Ok Nana thank you, and have a safe trip", I smiled.

"And you too irene", she smiled back at me.

Whew! Well that was intense, I walked into the kitchen, and I saw one of the maid washing the dishes, so I  decided to wipe the dishes clean for her after she washed, of course she rejected it, but I had too,so I insisted and I was successful.

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