Chapter 17

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I panicked as I cried and hid my face in my palm and ran out to the rooftop of the building, thank the heavens lily and the others where still asleep.

I walked up to the edge of the roof of the building as I looked down, and everything looked so small, its like I could see the whole city from there.
I tried to calm down as i inhaled the air deeply, the air that blew here, it felt so nice and relaxing, so it was working, I was getting calm and relaxed.

I must say I haven't seen the city from this kind of view before, it was so pretty and colourful.
Snap out of Irene, your back to normal, without makeup and you're thinking about the city, but how come my makeup is useless at this hour, I thought to myself.

I was tired of standing so I found a spot on the ground and laid on it, the stars in the sky seemed closed as the landscape before me was extraordinarily beautiful. I closed my eyes for a moment trying to be calm and that's when I heard it, the sound.

Alex's POV.

I was so stressed after all the ward rounds, I entered my office and laid my head down on the table for a while to rest, after a minute or two, i checked my phone and saw many texts from Nana, she was always worried about me, I told her I'd continue what I always did, unless she does what I asked her too, she's too fetish according to her and quite superstitious too, always tells me to find a partner, its not easy ever since..... OK let's not think about this again Alex man up OK.

I felt a little stuffed and I walked out of my office and I noticed the rookies where all asleep, well am not surprised, its there first time of course, but it wasn't still right, i ignored them and walked out of the unit and into the halls. I took a little walk around the hospital, to see if I would feel better but there was no difference, i decided to go to my normal secret breathing spot, I felt secured and safe there.

Irene POV.

I turned behind to see where the sound was coming from, and I could catch a glimpse of a structure of a man in white clothing, fell face first to the ground, I immediately hurried towards the image, as I approached squatting beside the body on the ground, the clothing became more and more familiar, OMG!!! its Dr. Alex, what has happened oh no, no am freaking out.

I tried to wake him up, by shaking him awake, but to no avail, I tried calling out to someone if anyone close by could hear me.

    I ran towards the stairs, shouting if anyone would hear me, but no of course it was at the rooftop no one was there at this time, i immediately called lily but there was no answer, I guess she was still fast asleep, oh no what do I do now, nobody can see me this way, my makeup is still gone, and i need to save him, he's breathing isn't even stable, what to do? what to do? Just as I was panicking thinking of what to do, he held unto my shirt tightly, it was as if he was telling me to hurry up.

I quickly tried to hold unto him, I struggled pulling him up to me and doing that i rested his one hand on my shoulder, while I held the hand and my other hand was on his waist as I struggled trying to get into the elevator, he sure is heavy.

I managed to enter the elevator, I pressed the number 2 button, that was the floor the hospital's ICU was at, I put him on the ground of the elevator to sit , so i could catch my breathe a little .

I continuously panicked, am going to be exposed today.
After a while the elevator finally dinged, as I caught a glimpse of some nurses,I called out to them as they rushed and immediately helped me, rush him to the ICU, as soon as he was in, they started checking his vitals immediately, as I went outside the ICU.

   I quickly checked my phone for the time as I hurriedly approached the elevator back to my unit, and it was now 12:30, I hope lily or Tyler or anyone else isn't awake. I reached the 5th floor as my palms were now all sweaty due to the fear that grip me, questionable thoughts ran through my mind," what if she saw me?

"Would she not want to talk or be my friend anymore? " would she laugh at me and tell everyone about it? " lily loved social media, would she post about it on her page? I was so scared as I approached the door, I held the door knob tightly for a while before bending to open it, as i entered.
  "Hey girl where have you been, I've looked everywhere for you", lily spoke as I immediately covered my face with my palms avoiding her gaze

" Irene whats going on why are you covering your face with your palms, drop that already, we have bigger problems, i was just called and told that Dr. Alex was rushed to the ICU, so I and Tyler are headed now to see how the situation is down at the ICU, come with us let's go".

Lily spoke as she nudged my hand and then she pulled me towards the door, leading the way back to the ICU.

Wait now my questions where," didn't she see me? "Or did she just ignore, the fact that am hideously looking? or she's sleep walking? But no Tyler is also here too, there's no way he would act normal after seeing me like this, "no way, is she going to humiliate me in front of everyone? No lily can't be so heartless, I still pondered as we finally reached the ICU.

I took a glimpse of my face on a steel tray kept on the table outside of the ICU, and it was then I noticed something different.

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