Chapter 32

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Lily: Wow girl I say your a Cinderella,or wait no,no,no,no its "cindeirene" so lucky enough to leave your hair clip, am so happy for you girl,I wish I was in your place.

Irene: Yeah I really wished that too, its your crush of course.

  We both laughed over the phone.

Lily: So are you guys sharing a room or something or anything close, romantic, come on fill me in, how does your room look like, take pictures you'll have to tell me everything from the top tomorrow, I don't take that little summarization you just gave me now as an answer to all my questions, so come on tell me something.

Irene: Lily calm down.

I smiled in between my words as I continued talking.

Irene: Nothing of that sort happened, its a mansion we don't have to share anything, everything here is in excess, darling and besides I don't want any of that sort to happen, my room, its big and nice, comfy, its just chill, I'll surely take pictures to show you tomorrow dear.

Lily: Ok then, but come to think of it ......

Irene: Come to think of what?

Lily: Just forget it when you get back tomorrow, we'll talk better.

Irene: Ok then if you say so, anyway how's Tyler, playing games I guess.

Lily: Yes as usual, ok then I'll see you tomorrow, it's our final shift remember.

Irene: Yeah, true wow its weekend already, so fast, ok then goodnight girl, I'll see you tomorrow.

And I hung up, my body was already dried up so I wore the dress Valerie gave me as I laid on the bed and applied my chamomile paper face mask on my face.
    I could not sleep as it was my first night in a complete strangers house, I know I have been here before but I was able to sleep last time because I was so tired, I dozed off luckily but this time it was different, worst of all I was restless, I didn't know parts of the house where I could get air.

   I dumped my face mask in a bin behind the door after using it, it was now 11:15, I opened the window to my room as I breathed in the fresh natural air that sizzled all over my body, the night was still young, with the big round moon cascading its lights all over the mansion, although the lights were still on. I leaned out the window as I stared all over the mansion until my eyes fell on a figure standing outside.
What is Alex doing outside by this time of the night I said to myself. I'll go see him, wait should I put on light makeup, no, but he's seen me before so it should be fine, I put on my slippers as I walked down the stairs as I tried to find the way to where Alex was. I later found myself in the garden which Alex was standing, opposite my window right above his head.

"Hey", I spoke from behind him starling him a bit,

"Jeez! You scared me,how'd you get here, by the way I thought you were asleep already".

"Sorry, I couldn't sleep quickly as am in someone else's house, sorry",

"But you slept well the last time you came?

"Yeah I was exhausted that day that was why", I replied looking down at my feet as I started to feel a bit cold.

We both sat at a little table with a wine bottle, i don't know what type it is, am not really good with those kind of stuffs, a jug of water and two glasses Alex filled his glass with the wine as he sipped it bit by bit.

"Want a drink? He asked with eyebrows raised as he stared back at me.

"No no no I don't drink thanks though", I smiled shyly.

"Ok then", he replied with disappointment hitting his tune a little as he cleared his throat and stared back at the garden. The situation was getting awkward I had to ask or say something.

"The garden looks nice, who takes care of the flowers, the queen of the night is so beautiful and it scents lovely", I smiled looking at him.

"Yeah they belong to Nana, she waters them herself, but I help her trim them and sometimes others in the garden too, during my leisure".

"Oh that's nice", I replied going back to being awkward.

"What about you, I don't know much about you, than what I have seen on your resume, do you have a boyfriend?

What the hell did he just ask me, did I what? Ok am getting a bit more uncomfortable.

"Err.r.r no I don't,I haven't actually..., I couldn't finish before he cuts in.

"Wait you've never had one before? He asked looking surprised at me before he smirked and looked away.
I felt disgraced as my throat went dry.

"So you haven't actually had one before, wow", I could feel sarcasm and laughter in his voice, I immediately and quickly poured myself a glass of water and gulped it right away, but something felt wrong.

"Oh! You said you don't drink, that's the white wine you just gulped down your throat now", he stopped drinking and was now staring at me with shock in his eyes. I then realized what I had done, I thought I drank the water because I was nervous and confused I mixed up the drinks.


I was now shocked at how red her face was, as she looked at me with dead drunk eyes, how fragile was she immediately after one glass the wine took its toll on her, well that was fast.

"Uhm, Irene are you ok", I asked her as her hair covered most parts of her face, making it only possible to see her eyes through her hair.

"Mhmmmm, am good am gree...aa...t", she answerd shabbily as she rose from her chair and stumbled her way towards me.

"What are you...., I said before she cut in holding her finger out to my lips shushing me.

"Don't sa...y no more".

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