Chapter 30

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But the hospital, I didn't know what was going on there at all, and I also forgot to text lily, am sure its because I didn't think we would stay this long.

"Irene are you OK honey, you look worried" Alex's Nana asked, as everyone on the table now stared at me.

"Uhm... Could I use your bathroom? I asked I had to find a way to be alone so I could text lily.

"Sure honey, Valerie, Valerie" she called out.

"Yes ma'am"
"Take our guest to the bathroom would you" she ordered.
"Yes ma'am", Valerie answered as she led the way and I followed carefully to avoid tripping in this heels, they were killing me, how does Janelle even manage in them.

I entered the bathroom, the only place that felt safe to me, I leaned on the wash sink in front of me as my head was bowed down, am so tired of keeping an uptight face, all the fake smiles, and everything its tiring, I can't just wait to leave here.

I removed my heels to feel relief, as I turned on the tap and dabbed my face a little with cold water to feel better, I grabbed a towel by the side of the mirror and wiped my face, their towels here seems new, do they put a new one here everyday, I wondered.

    Just then I realized what I did I had wiped my makeup, ahhhh! What have I done, I tried to adjust it, but it won't make any difference and all my make up was on the towel, this is bad.

I looked in the cupboard's above my head that were at the top of the mirror to find anything of the slightest that could help me, look at least better, but I could not find any. What am I going to do now, I don't know if Valerie left already, as I called out her name for confirmation.

"Yes ma'am, am here,are you ok, do you need anything", she answered, finally I have a little hope.

"Uhm.... Could you help me bring my hand bag over here, I need something urgently from it", I spoke slowly as I leaned on the door.

"Ok ma'am give me a minute", she replied as I the clucking of her heels could be heard for a while, as they turned faint.

I sighed heavily, I almost got caught today, but anyway I hope I'll be leaving here, before midnight, I can't let Alex family see me like this, there going to run, that's a fact.

I switched on my phone as I immediately texted lily,

  "Hey girl what's up, am at Dr. Alex's mansion, my phone will be switched off for a while, can't say much, will give you details when I get back, be safe I already am, later girl, bye".

I sent it and it showed the delivered tick, as I switched my phone off again, I hope she reads it and doesn't panic.

"Am here with your bag ma'am" finally Valerie arrived, it was about time, I opened the door slightly revealing only my extended arm, and grabbed my bag before Valerie could see me, and shut it back.
    I rushed to the mirror, looking at my hideous face, I immediately concealed it and did a few touches and I was done.

I walked back into the living room with Valerie, as I could see their tensed faces, relax immediately they noticed me walk back into the dining room.

"I almost thought for a second something happened to you dear" Nana spoke whilst smiling, I smiled back as everyone else did.

We spent an hour again, just chatting, Nana teasing Alex constantly, me laughing at Victoria's silly jokes and also teasing of Alex, from the stories I heard he really had a funny childhood.

I looked at my watch as we were now done with dinner, and the maids were cleaning where we just ate from, it was now 10:47pm, woah it shocked me, its already so late, Victoria was looking up something on her phone, and Nana was also talking to the driver, Harrison yes that was his name, I met him the first day I came here, i quickly nudged Alex's arm as I drew him to a corner.

"Uhm... Aren't we leaving yet, its already so late, we have shifts too at the clinic and my phone have been switched off for hours, I haven't even heard from home" I whispered to him, this I say was very awkward whispering to my boss, this was sure a new thing.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, you can switch on your phone now, its already so late, Nana said you should sleep over and leave tomorrow, we spoke about it when you were in the bathroom and besides you've done enough today, you can't go to the hospital again for another shift, I called Jonah and asked him to call in someone that will take your shift", he spoke keeping a straight face.

What!!!am what, there's noooooooo.... way in the universe am sleeping over here, here again, i put up with them the other time because he wasn't feeling well, but this again, I'll leave on my own.

" uhm.. I..", I tried to speak before he interrupted.

"You can't refuse Nana's orders, am sorry for the inconvenience but you'll have to put up with it", he spoke as he walked away from me.

Okay first, that was rude and secondly why does his moods keep confusing me, one minute his nice and all and the other minute he's super rude no one can ever understand him, ever.
   Oh gosh I'll have to put up with him and spend the night here again, I better call home and the hospital so they know where I am.

"Irene, I hope your fine and comfortable", Victoria asked, as I nodded in acceptance.

"Ok honey, am leaving now cause I have a flight to catch up with, I have 3 crazy lineups of shows to attend in Beijing tomorrow, being the very busy person I am", she smiled and I did too.

"So do enjoy yourself, you're also free to come anytime you want, oh and also don't forget to call me up if you need any help ok", she asked,

"Ok I will, thanks, and I wish you a safe journey", I smiled at her, she held my chin up a little and smiled back.

"Your so cute and pretty, I have a good feeling this time", she said to me as she smiled again and walked away.

Good feeling, what does that even mean, she really left me confused, as I stood waiting for anything to happen, someone should tell me to do something, or even talk to me because being in such an expensive place I do not want to make any mistakes. I don't even know what to do next, if I sit and Nana is still standing is that being rude, am so confused now, and not to forget this heels that are still killing me.

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