Chapter 19

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I waited for the person on the other line to speak 

"Hello, please am I speaking with Dr. Irene wells"

- yes this is she", i replied immediately now sitting at the edge of my chair, rubbing my thighs in a nervous manner,

"I am Dr. Gemini's driver, Harrison and I just arrived at the hospitals ICU now but I can't see you anywhere",

- oh ok just give me a minute and I'll be up there sir", I replied him and ended the call, I tucked my phone in my lab coat pocket and quickly headed for the elevators.

    I finally reached the ICU as I saw an old man, I think in his late 50's, dressed in a black suit which fitted his slim structure and a lavender coloured bow to match, I think his the one.

I approached him as I spoke,"Mr Harrison right", i asked pointing at him, he smiled weakly as he nodded his head in agreement,

- please follow me to the doctors office", I asked him, as we walked together towards the doctors office.
    When we arrived her door step, I directed only him inside as I waited outside, till he was done, I wanted to make sure he went home safely.

"Ok I will, thank you so much", I heard Harrison's voice as he opened the door and headed towards where I was sitting, I immediately stood up and waited for what he'll say.

" Thank you so much for calling me, and rushing the young master here when he needed help",

- no no its fine there's no need to thank me", I smiled back at him,"

- but I have one request from you I don't know if you could help me, well it might sound strange, but please can you follow I and the young master home, he's Nana isn't home and there's no one to look after him, I can't do that ",

- oh there's no problem, with that I already spoke to Nana's assistant, and she told me they were out of town so I just thought I should", I spoke and smiled lightly,

" Thank you so much dear,he wrapped his palms around mine in appreciation, while I just bowed slightly and smiled.

  The drive to his mansion was quiet, cold and far, its already been 45 minutes and were still driving, to it.

"How much further is the mansion", I asked his driver,

- were almost there miss",

- oh", I said slightly as I lowered my head down to my thigh, they felt numb because Dr. Alex's head was laying on them throughout the drive.

He seemed to be resting peacefully, I hopes he recovers soon. I looked out at the cold empty streets through the car window, the street lights gently kissing my fore head and seeping through the car window with some rays of it hitting Alex's face.

After about a minute we arrived in front of a very huge gate, it had little corals just at the right places of the gate, and at the top the gate were amber jewels, they were huge and shone slightly as the white bulbs at the corners of the gate, cascaded its rays down on them, it was marvelous.
I caught a glimpse of the man that opened the gate, am guessing its the security in charge of the gate, he bowed to the driver as he opened it and we drove in. The presence of the environment felt different and clean, it was still like another trip down into the house as we drove across so many trees and pretty flowers, it was night but I could see the place clearly, all the bulbs where in the perfect places as they shown brightly, leading us all the way to the tall marvelous building.

We drove around a fountain as he parked right at the entrance of the building.

    I waited for him to come assist me raise Dr Alex up to take him in, just then I immediately noticed two ladies dressed in the same attire, they wore little black short dresses with little laces around the front side of the dress and on their hair, like clips, they reminded me of French maids, so am guessing their his maids, they opened the car door and helped me lift him up into the mansion.

I stepped into the mansion and it felt different, it was sooooo grand. We pulled him, through a hallway before we got to what i guess was the living room .

   This was really a big mansion, we pulled him unto the couch, as we tried to catch our breath, I got a better look at the house. The living room was very huge and wide, the ceiling was far above our heads and there in the middle, hung a royal glass chandelier. It was big and pretty.

His TV set was another wonder, it was large and so clear with a lot of stuffs around it, there were video game panels and CD players it was vintage like and there was this really long speakers beside the TV, it was indeed a mansion.

"Here miss", a maid with her arm stretched out handed me a glass of water.
- thank you very much", I smiled politely back at her as I took the tumbler from her hand and gulped down the water, as soon as I finished she took the glass away from me.

" His room is upstairs, we have to take him there", one of the maids spoke to me as i still attempted to carry Alex. It was so uncomfortable carrying him with them, they moved around a lot and could not keep up my pace, sometimes they raised him too high or sometimes too low.

  "Errrrr ...why not you just put his arm on my shoulders and lead me to his room I'll take him up", I smiled tiredly at one of the maids,

- are you sure miss, his quite heavy", she spoke,

" there's no problem at all, just show me the way I'll manage", I smiled at her. She walked in front of me as I tried and hazzardly pushed my strength away and pulled him all the way to his room.

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