Chapter 17 (FINALE...)

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"Hey, Irene, you awake, can you see me", he asked as he touched my hair lightly.

"Yes I am, where are we? I asked looking around a bit.

"We are at my place, do you feel pain anywhere? He asked looking around me and then back at my face.

"No it's fine just a slight pain in my head and my tummy, that's all" I spoke as I tried to sit up. He helped me by using the pillow to support my back as I sighed lightly.

"The Doctor said you needed rest, you shouting for that long triggered your emotions a lot causing you pain in you tummy, you need absolutely no stress and full rest ok" he spoke as I nodded lightly and smiled.

"And my baby? I asked as he pointed to the cot beside me, she was sleeping peacefully. Just then it suddenly hit me, won't Sandra find me a nuisance, right now am in Lart's place, isn't this a bit too much.

"Look Lart I have to go, I don't want Sandra to see me here it would cause another misunderstanding, besides you're always with me, instead of making the wedding preparations with her", I spoke trying to get up as he pushed me back slowly on the bed.

"It's fine, I'll have to tell you something much later, not now you need rest, I don't want to stress you out, but just know everything is settled, ok ", he smiled as I laid back in bed slowly, still looking at him, to see if he was lying or something.

"Anyways, let me get you something to eat ok, porridge would do right? He asked as I just nodded as he smiled rubbing my hair and left the room.

It's been about 3 hours since I was at Lart's place and it seems like he's avoiding me, I don't know why.

"Ok I think it's about time you tell me what is going on, I think you have been avoiding me enough for even anyone passing by would to notice, say it, what is going on with you and Sandra", I asked as I sat on the couch, signaling him to come sit beside me.

"Look Irene it's not that I am ignoring you of any sort, it's just that I feel I should tell you a bit later, who knows what you would do if I told you now", he spoke fidgeting with his hands, signs that shows he's really nervous about something.

"Fine, its fine, I'll just leave then", I said as I started walking away from him.

"We called it of ....the wedding", he blurted out. I staggered back a little, as I looked back at him and his gaze was on the ground.

"What, what did you just say? Wait why? How did this happen. I asked looking puzzled as ever, what must have happened to cause this heavy breakup.

"Sandra said she didn't really feel excited anymore and so was I, so we came to a conclusion, I already went to see her parents, so it's settled" he spoke.

I didn't even know what to say as I rubbed his back in comfort and his head was bowed.

"Am so sorry about that Lart, I don't even know what to say", as I looked at him sadly, this was going to be hard.

Well it's been days, since I lived with Lart so far everything is going well, and surprisingly Alex has not come to search for me in any form, at least I said bye to Nana, I missed her.


Right now you reading this book I am at my second wedding, yes my second wedding, it might come as a shock to you all but I am very happy, after about 3 months of staying together with Lart I found out that the reason for Lart and Sandra's breakup was me. He loved me for a while and didn't even tell me, foolish.

Anyways he accepted my daughter as his, so sweet of him, Sandra was also there for the wedding as she congratulated us. Sadly we lost Nana a month ago I was there for her burial, and happened to see Alex and we spoke a little, he said he was fine and apologized, it was fine with me as far as he found his love back, if only he didn't waste ,my time.

I will miss you all so much, but anytime you miss me, I'll be here, so just come read the book again, it will serve as a way of visiting me haha. BYE FOR NOW.......

THE END......

(I Dedicate this episode to one of my favourite and all time fan matchamacolit 🥰)

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