Chapter 9

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We just both laughed as there was a knock on the door.
“Come in”, I spoke, it was a maid.
“Ma’am the food ma’am Eartha made, is still in the flask, will you like for me to heat it now, its dinner time”, she asked bowing and not looking at me.

“No its fine, just serve I and lily what we normally have for dinner today and then you and the other maids can have what Eartha prepared”, I spoke as the maid suddenly raised her head in shock and bowed almost immediately as she did so.

“Yes ma’am we will, thank you”, she spoke as she bowed and left the room.
Lily and I told a lot of stories for a while before the maid came in with dinner. It was fried rice with sausages, also accompanied with fruits to aid my digestion, they were a lot of side dishes though and lots of meat and of course there was wine.

“Shall we begin”, I motioned for Lily to start eating, so we could enjoy this meal together, she smiled while nodding as we enjoyed our meal. We ate to our fill as Lily was more filled than I was, I drank a little wine, Yes the doctor said wine was not good for my condition, but I couldn’t resist it, so I had the fruits instead, while Lily gladly dined with the wine.

It was a little late now as Lily straightened out her already creased clothes and arranged her bags to leave.

“Leaving already, guess you can’t sleep over, I really miss our good old days when you could sleep over and I could also”, I complained as I nudged Lily’s arm continuously.

“Yeah I really missed then too, but now there’s Heidi to take care of, and don’t forget Noah too, he’s always busy as you know, so he can’t be really there to take care of Heidi you know, so I have to be there you see”, lily replied sadly as she cupped my check rubbing it gently as she smiled.

“Ok then, I’ll inform the other driver to take you home since you had wine” I told her and she nodded.

I walked her to the entrance where one of the, mansion cars rolled by just seconds after I called for it, I waved Lily goodbye, she got into the car and it drove off.

As I entered my room, I immediately slept off, I was so full and tired I needed this now………
It was morning and I woke up earlier than expected, because Alex was still in bed, I guess it was weekend that’s why he overslept.

    I got out of bed as I headed for the bathroom, I brushed my teeth quickly as I wiped my mouth after, I got into my workout clothes and went out for a little walk, I wasn’t having sessions on Saturday yes it was my free day, but I still couldn’t slack off, I wanted to be very healthy with no form of issues during my pregnancy so I followed each and every rule that was given to me about the process.

   At the entrance the maid gave me my water bottle as I headed out. Walking round the mansion with my earphones in my ear and my phone in my arm bag on, I listened to music, it made my walk seem easier, short and exciting, and before you knew it I was done.
Alex POV.

“Have you seen her this morning? I asked one of the maids I saw as soon as I came down the stairs.

“Yes sir, ma’am went out for a walk”, she spoke as she bowed after doing so.

“Has it been long she left”, I asked.

“No sir, I think it’s just been about 8 minutes since she left”, she replied explaining to me.

“Serve me breakfast now”, I ordered as she bowed and hurriedly went towards the kitchen, ugh! Am starving, the wine Eartha made me drink yesterday, weirdly made me feel so hungry, I really liked that we went out to eat yesterday, it made me remember good old days, I smiled as I thought of it.

    Just then Irene walks in, it then hit me, I was now married and is about to be a father, but I think I still have feelings for Eartha what do I do.
She walked past me like she didn’t see me, so I called out to her.

“Looking sweaty, I think the walk paid off well”, I said as she turned to me with a poker face.

“Oh I didn’t see you there good morning”, she said with a fake smile that was entirely obvious, I decided to ignore it though.

“Hope you slept well, how’s the baby doing” I asked smiling

“Well it’s not been easy as you can see but, am doing well and oh of course I slept fine”, she smiled as it seemed more fake this time than earlier, as she immediately walked away.

I felt a hint of anger in her expressions, I didn’t know why but something was up, or is she maybe feeling bad that Eartha is back, I needed to speak with her.
As soon as I was done with breakfast I headed upstairs to the room.

 Is Alex kidding me, how was your night, way to go asking me such questions wearing a smile feeling no remorse or guilt, did he really forget or he can’t remember what happened that night. I took off my clothes as I walked into the shower to have a bath, I was so sweaty. I took a while in the shower as I carefully washed every part of my skin my bump wasn’t really helping at all, it made it more stressful. I finished bathing as I draped a towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom.

    I was at the dressing table applying my lotion, when Alex enters the room. He walks towards me as I could see from the mirror, as he hugs me from behind and snuggles his face in my neck. I totally ignored him as I kept on applying my lotion, I won’t lie it felt good but, having this kind of fun with Alex is totally at the wrong time, I was still angry with him. He was still snuggling until suddenly he stopped as he now tilted his head sideways and then into the mirror to look at me.

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