Chapter 40

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"Hi am Kumal, are you icy's friend? He asked

"Icy? Is that what you call aunt Irene? Jenna asked, the tone of her voice pitching up a little.

"Yes, were best friends so we give each other names, will you like to be my friend too, I could give you one" he smiled at her as she nodded so cutely, they looked so happy, especially Kumal I haven't seen him so happy like this before, with the passing of his parents he's been so lonely, I guess I finally did a good thing to help them both.

"OK now I and uncle Lart will go walk around for a while, so you guys catch up OK, have fun you hear me, and don't do anything extreme OK, I'll be back to check on you guys", I smiled after speaking to them, the way they nod there heads and giggled while answering me was so adorable.
    I gave them some snacks I bought on the way from Lily's house, but I made sure the sugars in them were less as I dropped it on the table beside Kumal.

"Bye now am leaving", I spoke,

"Bye aunt", they both waved at I and lart as we exited the room.
    Because Jenna was coming I made sure I moved Kumal's bed to the children's ward so they don't disturb the other patients in the ward, and also told Jessie since she's on duty today to please keep an eye on them, and call if anything goes wrong.

Ha! I sighed deeply as I walked down the halls with lart feeling relived, am so happy Jenna and Kumal got to meet.

"Felling relived I guess, you seem happy Irene",

"Yes lart, I do feel happy and relieved",

"Nice, anyway thanks for finding Jenna a new friend, I thinks its helpful it'll help divert her mind and attention a bit for a while", lart smiled,

"Oh no its fine, should we head to the park now, I suddenly have a craving for park snacks", I smiled looking up at him,

"Well come on then, let's hurry", he spoke as he opened the car door for me to enter, and I thanked him.


Really! in the hospital, of all places Irene could hug a guy, it would be at a hospital. I didn't even think she had a boyfriend, and the way he looked at me it was as if, if only he could scratch of my face and give me scars all over, and Irene, what did she do, she bowed to me like some maid, I told her I don't like her doing that all the time, I don't know why but I feel bad.
     I already checked up with Dr Auburn and she said I was fine, went ahead and was claiming I was in love, pfft! Love, i think she's beginning to forget how to do her job and saying things that can't be true. I really miss Eartha, I still do, the night I kissed Irene I felt, I had betrayed her and I also felt like relieved again, something is definitely wrong with me.

Grrriiiinnnngggg.... Ah! Jeez! That scared me, who's calling at this moment, its an unknown number who could it be now.

" Alexander Gemini speaking and who are my speaking with?

"Still formal I see, well let's try playing a game if you would recall who is speaking since it seems you have already forgotten about me, and which I am so offended about and also I know the readers would like to know which character is getting introduced into the story".

"No way Millie is that you?

"Well its high time you realize old man, just.....

"So you know, you still keep saying that phrase, you haven't changed one bit Millie" I smiled.
   Millie is my favorite and most close cousin, she may only be 15 but she has a mind of a 22year old, I guess she's back from her studies in Beijing.

"Ok so I just got back from the airport and I told the Uber driver my address but he dropped me in some part on a street called something mia I don't really know the roads anymore, since its been long I've been here, so could you please come pick me up, please",

"Ok I'll be there in about..... 5 minutes so hang on ok, find something to eat, sit somewhere I could find you and wait for me ok?

"Ok ok whatever you say I'll be waiting so hurry up okay, love you".

"Love you too, see you soon", I spoke as I ended the call and saved her number, Millie is such a character thank the heavens she's finally back I really missed her. I grabbed my keys as I left the hospital, I won't be coning back today again, since I guess I'll be a bit busy.
The streets were a bit filled with people I didn't expect this as I waited for the traffic lights to hit green so I could drive.


Ah! Am so tired from trip, where can I find a chair or bench where I could sit, I think there used to be one by the haunted house. I walked a little as I sighted the bench with a young lady sitting on it already. Ha! Finally, I spoke as I ran pulling my box behind me as I got to the bench, and sat beside her,  she's so pretty and I liked her dress too, but it seems with all of the noise I made I couldn't grab her attention as I noticed her mind was drifted away already thinking of something, and being the philanthropist I am I had to interfere a little hehe!

"Hi, am Millie", I spoke extending my hand towards her for a handshake as she jerked a little coming to her senses.

"Oh uhmm... Hello" sorry do I know you?
    She asked looking confused as her brows creased a little.

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