Chapter 12

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As I sat down I noticed a little magazine on the table in front of me, it said " St. Xavier: The Pioneer", it had pictures of the hospital and some patient and doctors on the cover, and of course the hospital's logo was on it, it was a green cross with kind of like a red snake tangled around it and everything in a circle.

  I flipped through the first page and I saw it was the paediatric department with its doctors, nurses and patients, they where cute kids, although some had shaved their heads wrapped in bandages, I guess due to cancer or tumours and some where connected on IV, it had another page, it was like a fun day for the kids cause there were lots of balloons, clowns and snacks lying around, it was beautiful with the smiles on each of the children's faces, it was really satisfying.

    I flipped the next page, and just as I did some men am guessing officials walked in.
   They looked great in their outfits, and I happened to notice 3 of them where older, like am talking 56-65 age range and then there were two young fine looking men in clean navy blue suits, it was a good sight, i felt i had really hit it big, i thought to myself i have to work hard and be serious. The taller one of the young men sat on the seat at the middle while the other sat beside him and then the shorter one beside him spoke.......


After about 30 minutes of what seemed like hell, I was out of the conference room and on my way to the physiotherapy unit, for final clearance and for work to commence, this is going to be a long day, I said to myself as I walked with other of my unit colleagues. We all took the elevator as the department was on the 9th floor,

"Good morning rookies I am Alexander Gemini the head of all departments in this hospital, I am the board director and I also happen to specialize in this unit of the hospital, so am also in charge here, obviously, so you all have to be serious, hardworking, act like me, and of course no time to sit around for worthless works or discussions.

   And standing beside me here is Dr. Jonah Mclewis, i noticed a young man, i should say in his early twenties, he was tall, had a slim face , his skin was tan and surprisingly he had his hair tied up in a bun, it was very dark and a few strands of his hair fell beside his face in front of his ears, what surprised me was most doctors had their haircut a bit low but he on the other hand he kept his hair long, although it was great "and beside him is Dr. Lindsay martin" he spoke, and there a white lady stood, she was a brunette, she had a well proportioned body, she was indeed very beautiful.

"You all will be split into groups of three, some of you will be under me and some under Dr. Lindsay and Dr. Jonah, I also happen to be in need of an assistant because Dr. Jonah who used to be my assistant has his own team now, so one of you standing here has the opportunity to be my assistant.

There was a little tension in the room, little whispers could be heard at every corner of the room," I will see all of your resumes and if you happen to be chosen, you really have to work extra hard than others, for now you all can get along with all of your other senior colleagues that are here, they will show you around and to your duties, do have a good day", he finished he's speech and we applauded as he walked out.

There I stood lost - looking around as every one started getting along with each other, I must say they really can socialize quickly and easily, I was just thinking and acting confused when a skinny looking girl approached me, she was beautiful in the blue top and baggy trousers she wore, they had wide pockets and it suited her body structure perfectly, her black hair was up in a ponytail as mine but she had really curly hair so her frontals where all curly and they looked cute, - hello," oh hi, I replied stuttering a little," oh errrrr... am Lily, she spoke with a sweet smile exposed on her face as she extended her hands towards me, Irene I said, taking her gentle hand in mine, - so I guess were both new here, we laughed awkwardly ,

      " oh I like your makeup by the way, wow seems your pretty good at it, look its way better than mine, what products do you use, oh am sorry i spoke too much already, please don't mind me am just a little excited"she giggled with her teeth wide open," no its fine I get it, am excited too", I  smiled back at her.

    We walked to one corner of the room where the splitting of the doctors and rookies would take place. After a while my name was called to be in Dr. Jonah's team, we were four under him, lily also happened to be chosen in Dr. Lindsay's team but she swapped with one of the dudes in my team to be closer to me, I think this marks the beginning of a new friendship. We wrote our names on a piece of paper according to our teams, they were typed and pasted on our departmental team board.
  After some minutes we were told what to do, we were shown our rosters and time for lunch and stuff, I checked the roster and i noticed that I was on night shift this week, OK so one reason I wasn't mad was that I was excited for my first day at work and my night shift was with lily and some Tyler dude but I was still happy.

We were told to only assist our seniors today to see how things were done before we resume fully tomorrow, yes learning doesn't end in college, it's continues. It was now time for lunch, I couldn't find lily anywhere, so i decided i was going to go with one of my seniors, he seemed nice and reserved and i noticed he didn't talk much. "Are you headed out for lunch", I asked as he stared at me surprisingly, he just adjusted his glasses and walked out on me," that's how he behaves, no one really knows why he's that way, he's a total introvert" a lady who watched the whole scene of me and my senior spoke to me as she also approached me doing so, I turned and stared at her," he's Dr. Guy Tinderson, oh and I am Dr. Jessie sanders", she extended her hand towards me as I received it and said," oh am Irene wells am a rookie"," yeah I know", she replied and smiled.

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