Chapter 20

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She opened the door to a very huge room, I pulled him all the way to his king sized bed and laid him down slowly, so his IV patch with the syringe would still be in place as I covered him up to his chest with his blanket. "I will go get the IV stand", the maid bowed and left the room before I even spoke.

I stared down at Alex, i really didn't want to be here, am so tired i really am exhausted, i decided to explore the room a little. His room was painted in different patterns at one side and another on the other side.

There was more of grey and white in his room, making it look bland and serious, the air was cool and I liked how his room smelt it was clean air, and kind of old like again. I noticed a little cupboard, it was an old model but looked well polished and new, am sure he had this remade, its nice looks like an antique now. He's room was kind of an art gallery too, it had about 5 paintings in it, I recalled seeing two huge ones in the living room, they looked really expensive.

I moved back to seat by his bed side, as I stared down at him again, I hope he gets better, few hours ago he was normal and even went for ward rounds and all of a sudden his here lying ill, well that's a night. I just recalled, lily always talked about Alex having an older sister where was she? Didn't she hear the news about him?

Just then the maid walked in with his IV stand, so we quickly fixed it together.

"Err.... doesn't Dr Alex have an older sister? I asked the maid.

- yes the young master does, but she's in cape town for a runway show, although she'll be arriving tomorrow too with his Nana", she spoke smartly,

- oh, OK, so what's your name?

"Valerie, its Valerie",

- oh its a pretty name,

" Thank you", she smiled shyly, as she left the room.

I looked back at Alex he was still lying still on the bed and looking so Innocent, his hair propped down on his forehead and all the way to his lashes where the tips rested. His lips where un moisturised and broken, this illness really got him bad. I sat at his bedside for a while.

It was only a few minutes when i noticed he was sweating and a little tensed up, I quickly pulled out the thermometer and forced it into his mouth, I looked around the room for any cool water I could use, there should be a jug somewhere, and then of course I sighted one.

I hurriedly grabbed it and hurried back to him, I looked for a bathroom, and grabbed the nearest towel I could find, as I got back to his side, the thermometer beeped signifying its ready to be checked.

41.4°c oh no that's way too high, I thought to myself as I quickly soaked the towel in cold water and squeezed lightly before gently placing it on his forehead.

I did so multiple times, around his face, his hands and of course his feet, it gets into his body faster that way.
I checked if he had a pulse, and he did.

I retook his temperature again after a while to see if what I did worked. I waited for a while and it beeped again, I checked it and he miraculously dropped down to 38.2°c, far better and relaxing. I sighed as I dropped the thermometer on the table and leaned my back on the chair to take a quick rest.

I stared at my wrist watch as it was now 3:15am in the morning, oh gosh this is really tiring, I miss home, I miss my bed, I miss sleeping in, I guess this is what being an adult and growing up feels like, am so tired and sleepy, I thought as I rested my head on my hands that lay on the bed beside Alex and I dozed off.

A bright light, but from where, it kept flashing straight at my eyes, stopping me from sleeping much longer, I opened my eyes, to see where they emitted from , and then I noticed they were sun rays that shone from the window beside me, oh there so annoying, i rose my head slightly as i looked through the window and I loved how, the garden behind it looked, so beautiful and peaceful, I smiled slightly, how I wish I could wake up to this everyday, how sweet it would be.

I thought as I turned to check Alex on the bed only to meet a pair of shocked eyes.

"Oh you're awake, good morning Dr. Alex, how are you feeling now", I asked eagerly.

Alex's POV.

Ugh!! I feel so weak and revived at the same time, the feeling of being sick can be so annoying, how long was I out for 2 days or 3, my mouth felt bitter and my lips were dry, my fingers felt numb and so were my feet.

I tried getting up but, I was stiff, and it felt like something was holding me down, I looked down towards my arm, and there I saw a bush of thick black hair all over my arm.

Which nurse assigned on duty sleeps like this, and on a patients arm, huh! I say she's highly trained.

I tried again lifting myself off of the bed, as I sat down halfway, my other arm still down on the bed, because of course the nurse was sleeping on it, way to go "nurse".

I brushed her hair away from her face a little, and that's when I noticed she looked familiar , it wasn't a nurse at all, it was Dr. Irene, the rookie doctor, why was she here with me at this hour, where's the nurse, am so confused.

I panicked a little or should I say I was shocked to see her, and she also drooled all over my arm, ewww!

I ran my IV connected hand slightly through my hair, and being careful not to ruin it.

After a few seconds I noticed she was moving a little, is she trying to wake up? I then noticed the sun rays dancing across her small face as they woke her up, she rose her head slightly as she looked straight through the window, and smiled slightly.
She stretched her neck and hands a bit as she turned to look at me with her hands still outstretched, our eyes met.

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