Chapter 5

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This has been going on for a while so today I decided that after my checkup I would go see Alex in his office, at least I should surprise him once in a while. My checkups were now done as I headed for Alex office, I didn’t know why but I was feeling scared for a reason, just like that a thought came to me, what if Alex was cheating on me, of course he wouldn’t do that, he’s not the type to, I was feeling so scared my chest started to hurt a little. As I entered the department, I then calmed my nerves down a bit, and just as I entered, I saw lily and Jason our department gamer.

“OMG its Irene, oh wow how have you been, it’s been a while” Jason asked me as he was excitedly hugging me, it was strange because Jason was always quiet all the time, I did miss a lot over here if Jason is now so” LOUD”.

“Yes I’ve been good, and you Jason, hope all’s good with you, you taking care of lily for me right?

“Am doing my best but you know it’s never easy with lily” Jason said as he lowered his voice in the last statement he made while looking at lily, as she glared at him to move away from me and she came over.

“Hey, how’s our new mommy doing’ she smiled as she rubbed on my bump a bit.

“Still bullying Jason I see” I said looking at her in a funny way.

“Yeah Yeah, you know him, he’s always like that”, we both laughed.

“Anyways, this mommy isn’t finding things funny, I always want to eat something” I spoke as we all laughed.

‘So what brings you over here today? lily asked.

“I just came up to see Alex, is he in? I asked as lily’s expressions changed a bit.

“Well… he’s busy now, uhm… Eartha is in there with him” lily spoke as she paused a little to see my reactions.

“Oh…” I blurted out a little shocked, there was a little silence in the room.

 “I guess he’s busy then, I’ll visit some other time” I smiled as I looked back at lily and she decided to see me off to the car.
     The ride home was quiet and I kept thinking about a lot of things, why is Alex still spending time with Eartha, what were they discussing about anyways, they are no longer dating, has she started working here, is she the reason Alex is always busy, and even so busy to answer my calls?

Well I pray not because I am already freaking out.
Before I knew it we were home, it was short this time, because I kept thinking about a lot of things, I didn’t realize when we got home. I got out of the car and headed into the mansion, I saw Nana at the garden close to the entrance I just greeted her, bowing my head slightly as I waved and headed straight for my room, for the first time during my time being pregnant, I didn’t have an appetite. I walked and paced around the room, till I was tired, I laid down on the bed and I tossed and turned I couldn’t sleep, this time I was awake for a while, I noticed I wasn’t so sleepy, I decided to wait and see what time Alex gets back.

  It was now a few minutes past eleven and Alex wasn’t home yet, I currently had no idea what he was doing and I couldn’t call him, I wanted to see what time he really retuned home. I was a bit tired of staying in the room so I headed downstairs and towards the kitchen I was now a little hungry, I was just craving for snacks, I grabbed some Cheetos and waited a bit on the couch, the whole mansion was quiet everyone was already deep asleep, the only sound heard now was the sound of me eating Cheetos, it was so loud at night I didn’t know why it was always like that anyways, I didn’t care, it was now my house lol.

   I noticed I slept off as I now found myself lying on the couch, I immediately looked at the time and I saw it was two in the morning, what!!!, Alex was not still back, what could he still be doing at work by this time, there are rarely any cases at the hospital at times like these, and I didn’t want to call the hospital, it will make people suspicious like why won’t I just call my husband up and ask what he’s up too so that wasn’t an option, I was so tired now, I guess I’ll just see him in the morning, if I get up early, I now headed for the stairs drowsily, I held the handle of the stairs, carefully walking up, taking it step by step making sure I didn’t miss my step, just as I was almost up with 3 stairs to go, I heard the entrance doors open, I happily turned back to see if it was Alex only to see him together with Eartha coming in, I stopped in my tracks as I jerked back on the stairs elevating myself a bit as I hid in a corner, they were both laughing as Alex held Eartha’s hands.

“I missed you so much, you can’t even imagine, it was because I saw your attributes in Irene I decided to marry her, you guys had so much in common, she was like your twin” he spoke as he smiled drunkenly.

“It was like looking in a mirror right”, Eartha replied poking his nose a bit as he laughed and pulled her closer towards him……

“He kissed her”…….

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