Chapter 46

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He pulled me towards his hard body as he took hold of my lips immediately catching me off guard, he grabbed my waist as he kissed me slowly, I was super shocked at what just happened, but later I fell into the kiss too grabbing hold of his neck, as it became soooo intense, I stopped a little to catch my breath but he immediately caught my lips once again, he moved to my neck kissing it slowly. We began to move backwards towards the bed slowly as he sat on the bed and my legs wrapped around his waist, making my body structure suit his perfectly, he stopped the kiss slowly as he looked into my eyes, and I did so still with my hand wrapped around his neck, the both of us catching our breath as we still were looking at each other.
    I felt a little awkward as I began to slowly remove my hands from around his neck, when he grabbed them immediately and put them back on his neck.

"From today, don't hold yourself back, Irene, I don't even know what to say, I have also felt this way since I first saw you, I felt very strange, I never understood what the feeling was, till today, many times I told myself I can't fall in love with anybody, because of Eartha, but right now I feel, Eartha has been reborn but in a blessed way because, you're like two people in a body. Irene do you know how long I've held this feeling ?  He spoke as he caressed my hair and tuck some parts behind my ears.
   "I..I..I. Am so happy, no wonder those moment I hear your name too there's this feeling I get, I still can't explain, I can't also bear to see you with other guys, it gives me this feeling, its as if my heart is been tightened, it hurts so bad" he spoke literally explaining it with hand gestures, as I smiled lightly at him

"I can't believe am finally saying this but I love you Irene Wells, i love you".
  I looked at him so shockingly, I can't even imagine in my wildest dreams that, Alex would say this to me, it gave me butterflies everywhere, although they say there stomach butterflies I strangely felt them all over.

"I love you too Alex", I said as I smiled showing of my dimples.
   I pulled his face closer to mine as I deepened the kiss this time, it was more intense than the other, it felt so pure and innocent. He started to use his hands and strip my pyjamas from the hand of the dress, as I stopped him, he ended the kiss looking up at my eyes, as I shook my head in non acceptance.

"I respect your decision if you don't want this, I'll control myself don't worry", he said softly, and I smiled.


I felt so calm and refreshed as I opened my eyes, sleeping in a comfortable bed can really make you happy and comfortable, I tried to stretch a little bit, as I felt a hand on my waist, clenching tightly and I could feel him breathing all over my neck, I knew it was Alex, I turned my body the other way round, now facing him, he's beautiful morning face, I used my finger to draw out his brows and then down to his nose, he was like an idol, he immediately opened his eyes, as he smiled.

"Good morning Irene, hope you slept well? He asked pulling me closer to him.
"Yes of course I did, hope you slept well, well it already looks like you did, it seems your in a better mood this morning, well we don't live here so we have to get dressed and go do our various activities", I smiled, as we both got out of bed, took a shower and dressed up, checking out of the hotel.
    He dropped me off at home, as I watched his car leave before I walk up all the way to my door step, yes I didn't want any one at home to see me coming out of his car, because I told mum I was at Lily's place.
         Just as I was about to walk in, my phone rang, I looked at the caller ID and wow, surprisingly it was Victoria Gemini, what does she call me for, strange, I thought as I swiped right answering the call, I held the phone up to my ear.

Irene: Hello,.... Victoria

Victoria: Oh why hello Darling, how are you doing?

Irene: Am fine Victoria am doing very goo.....

Victoria: Oh stop it with the formalities, I told you, you can call me vee or Vicky any other cool name, but not Victoria, at least try calling me with another name, so it will seem were close right? Or aren't we?

Irene: No,no,no,no its fine, were close, vee, its totally cool. I laughed lightly

Victoria: Now that's very good, so I called because I wanted asking if you have spoken to your sister recently, I really need to talk to her about something important, i kept trying her on social media, but it seems she's hardly active and her number is not going at all.

Irene: Oh that's strange, I'll try and call her also, and know what's wrong, and I'll get back to you.

Victoria: Thanks darling you're the best, I love you, goodbye

Irene: Yeah its nothing, goodbye
    I spoke as I ended the call, and walked into the house I was super tired.
  Once I entered it was silent only the TV could be heard, I looked at the time on my watch and it was 10:05 am in the morning, I called out to mum, Rio, Janelle, if anyone was home, but no response, I pulled my shoes at the entrance, as I walked into the living room, only to meet pairs of eyes looking at me.

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