Chapter 39

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She smiled lightly, and cleaned her tears as she sniffed her nose and looked at me, I gave her a warm hug of comfort as I rubbed her back a little. I decided to change the topic a little to cheer her up.

"So tell me what secret are we spilling today, you know am leaving here by 11, I have plans with a friend at the hospital",

"Plans ayy, are you sure its your friend or its mhm.....", lily teased as usual as I denied the fact, and told her about lart.

"Wow he seems like a nice guy....., ok now tell me about what happened between you and Alex, go on am so excited already", she smiled as she folded her legs and listened keenly.

After a while of explaining things to lily..........

" OMG!!! You guys kissed, girl are you for real, am so happy for you, but wait since then has he made any moves or said anything?

"No not really, he just surprisingly calls me by my name now instead of Dr Irene as he always says, he just says Irene now, I can't really understand him though, he's nice one minute and the other minute he's someone else, so am not really used to all that yet".

"Are you like close to his Nana now, omg you guys might even get married you know, and his sister too was nice to you, you know what I say you have passed the test, for his sister to like you, damn girl you're lucky, you've passed", she smiled happily.
   At this moment I felt guilty of telling lily how my real looks were, she would definitely run away from me.

"So its your turn, you said you had things to tell me too right, come on spill", I smiled as I hugged one of her pillows on the bed.

"Yes I do have, apart from the one about my family, ok so don't freak out and don't get to excited, but I and Noah have slept with each other", she spoke now clipping her lips to each other as I stared at her, for about a minute without blinking.

"You what! You guys are that far already, I haven't even told you much about him, or him much about you",

"Well yeah, but technically we've seen each other a few times at random places and chatted to sometimes in social media so he decided we go on a date, and I really really like him Irene, I quit all my crushes for him do you know what that means? I do love him", she smiled looking at me and holding my hands.

"Well for that part am happy for the both of you especially Noah, to have captured the heart of a girl with loads of crushes I say job well-done to him, he has proven himself, but wait how did you guys just do it?

"Well we both didn't expect it would come to that but we found ourselves caught under the rain after a mini date, and it was too late we couldn't head back, also Noah brought his bike and of course we couldn't ride it in the rain so we lodged at a motel, it happened to be filled up that night because of the rain many people decided to lodge there also, so we could only get a room.
   As you know the air and the surrounding of where we were at that moment was very weird......... being quiet and all, I only wanted to kiss him but we ended up, you know.... Ghaaaaahhhh..

" Ghhhhaaaahhh, lily you still amaze me, wow so what did Noah say after that?

"Nothing much just the normal, we still hang out, and go on dates, well I guess I have a boyfriend now eeekkk....", she smiled so happily as she punched her pillow random times, expressing her happiness and excitement unto the pillow.

" Awwn am so happy for you darling", I spoke as I hugged her again.

   The helper brought us snacks, as Laiya later joined us and we told stories, ate together and took pictures.
     After a while I was back in the bus on my way to the hospital to meet Jenna and lart, I was so excited since its been a while I saw them, I bet lart is going to tease me so much about work and abandoning him.

I got to the hospital and sat at the reception just by the entrance, I waited for about 2 minutes before lart and Jenna arrived.

"Jenna! She ran towards me and I took her in my arms ,as she hugged my neck and wrapped her legs around me, while i too gave her a tight and warm hug, I strode her hair a little as i cupped her cheeks in my hands, " how has my favorite baby been doing",

"Am fine aunt Irene, how about you?

"Am doing great honey", I smiled back at her.

" Don't I get a hug too" a voice spoke as I looked up at the face.

"Come on lart of course you do", I smiled and hugged him too, after I dropped Jenna, I smiled as I hugged him, just then our eyes met, I saw him, Alex, he was once again boring holes in my forehead, I immediately loosened my grip on lart as I adjusted my dress. He walked by us.

" Good morning sir" I greeted as I bowed my head slightly,

"I see you're busy today", he spoke obviously he was being sarcastic as I had told Nana I was busy, "Carry on will you", he spoke as he walked out.

"Who was that Irene? Lart asked

"Its my boss, he's the head of all the departments here, anyway come with me,lets take the lift up ok", I smiled as they both trailed along behind me.

We got to the wards as Jenna's face became more puzzled.

"Hello, bestie",

"Hello icy, I've missed you already", Kumal smiled as we did our greeting handshake.

"Hope you've had breakfast" I asked him and he nodded in approval.

"I brought a new friend for you today, come on Jenna come over here", Jenna walked slowly towards us as she looked at kumal.

"Hello am Jenna".

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