Chapter 42

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"Alex you, you're, how, wait you're her cousin?

"You two know each other, well would you look at that, I said I had a feeling about you", Millie smiled as I paid no attention to her.
   All the things she told me about, she was referring and talking about Alex.

"I thought you were busy today, where's your little boyfriend huh?
   I glared at him after that statement he just made.

"Hey could you please drop her off well after dropping me okay?
Millie begged as she put her hands together....

"Fine let's go", Alex gave in, I helped Millie with her bag as we got to the car, of course she made me take the front seat while she was at the back, we then took off.

Throughout the drive Millie kept asking questions after questions, she made me smile though, and also Alex too, she exposed a lot of things about him which made him stay quiet in shame.

After dropping Millie off, I bid her goodbye as I was ready for the most awkward drive of a lifetime, it was a silent drive but when we were far from his house a little he broke the silence.

"Are you in for some dessert? He asked raising a brow but still looking forward, I guess he didn't want to use his driver today because of Millie, he missed her that bad, well it was obvious.

"Uhm...yeah sure", I stuttered a little and smiled awkwardly, as he drove off towards a well known place we could have dessert at.

We got there as I came down from the car and entered the shop together with him, he entered first as he held open the door for me and I thanked him.

He dinged a little bell on the table to alert the waiters and waitress that we wanted to be served.
  He ordered a lot of snacks for me and didn't order any for himself, I looked up at him with a surprised face.

"Oh I don't take high calorie filled stuff, I figured you're a lady, you'll like such things, so go ahead fill yourself".
He smiled a little as he crossed his legs and leaned back on his chair.

"But wait? Why offer me dessert if you weren't going to have any, its weird, how do I know what am eating is safe, you could have planned with the people here, you're a very rich and influential person".
    I asked in a suspicious manner as he covered his mouth slightly hiding his laughter.

"Oh come on Irene, you watch way too much movies, well its good to be observant but THIS is certainly too much, just enjoy yourself I haven't done any of that sort, I promise".

"Ok then, have a bite of this sponge cake then, so I can be sure, I am not taking any risks", I spoke as I folded my hands across my chest and leaned back in my chair.

"Ok fine if you say so, I will take only a bit, I told you I don't like such things, I guess I have to workout extra this week".
   He picked up the fork lying by the side of my table and dipped in the soft cake of course and put it in his mouth.

"Happy? He asked dropping the fork back on the plate were the cake laid.
    I still stared at him, to confirm any side effects.

"Don't tell me you're confirming if they'll be any side effects, Irene you're a character", he laughed in between his words.

"Well don't blame me, I have too duh" we both laughed as we spoke.

After a while of eating deserts we started talking and reminiscing younger days, I never knew Alex could be this open and funny, and I happen to notice when he smiles he shows of his dimples, killing me each time he does that.
     He spoke about Millie and most of his family members, he also spoke about Nana and her tarot card reading stuff how freaked out he gets when he just walks into her room and she's changing things and hanging upside down her room, its weirdly entertaining.
   I looked at the time on my phone it was 8:30pm, wow we spoke for so long without realizing it was already so late, I looked outside the window and great... It was raining, and seemed it didn't start now and it sure doesn't look like it will end any moment now.

"Yeah I could see that too its raining and its not even decreasing one bit", Alex spoke as he noticed I sulked a little, I nodded back at him in approval of what he said.

"Don't worry, I'll get you home safely once the rain decreases ok, so wipe that sulk face away ok? He asked looking down at me. I just noded in approval.
     We still sat for a while as Alex ordered us coffee, it was getting colder by the moment, and I didn't even take my coat from home today I only took a jacket. I slightly rubbed my arms to make my body heat up a bit, just then Alex stood up from where he sat and walked up to me, removing his jacket as he cover me from my back with it and walked back to his seat.

"It seems you were cold so I thought yeah, you can have it, and of course you'll have to return it, that coat is pretty expensive ok", he laughed after talking about his coat.
I just smiled at him and agreed to bring it back to him when I was done

   Shoot! I just remembered I left Jenna and kumal I wonder if lart got home safe, I'll have to call and check up on them.
  "Err... Alex would you mind if I make a call here, please its urgent? I asked waiting for an answer.

"Sure, of course, go ahead make your call" he agreed as I quickly dialed lart's number.

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