Chapter 14.

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I heard twins had this thing about one being wild and the other as the opposite, I never had any twin friends to confirm this tale I always heard, but today I guess I had finally confirmed this.

She wore a very pretty short yellow dress, it was flay and had a little white lacing around the end of the gown with a lacy belt around her waist making it smaller, she wore white low sneakers to match the dress, and to top it all on her pretty smile, and also her hair too was up in a ponytail as I noticed the tips of her dark black hair was dyed Burgundy colour, she also had pretty scanty bangs in front which made her slim face look a lot smaller, she was indeed cute. I must say they both have great fashion sense and it suits there personality very well.

"What took you so long",lily complained as her sister smiled sheepishly," anyway this is my friend we just met today, she's new too, her name's Irene, Irene meet my twin Laiya", as she demonstrated with her hands identifying each of us to each other, "oh lily you never told me you were a twin", I smiled as I took laiya's already stretched hands,"well now you know", she spoke smiling as we all laughed,- nice to meet you, you're very pretty", Laiya smiled at me and dangled our hands a little," thanks you're not bad yourself ", I smiled back at her as we separated our hands.

" so where do you guys stay? We stay at Benzelart street, house number 22 oh cool, its kind of like a twenty minute drive from here,- oh cool I had an aunt who lived there before, but she passed so I don't go there anymore,- oh so sorry for your loss,"no its fine, its been a while now so am better. We all walked to the bus stop together as lily couldn't stop talking about all the guys she saw at the hospital, she has like 5 crushes already she's really enthusiastic and crazy, while I and Laiya just laughed all the way.

Our buses were different since we went opposite ways, the bus to Benzelart street always came before mine, we waited not up to 5 minutes and the bus arrived for them, - OK Irene see you tomorrow, - yeah see you tomorrow, bye, as I waved lily and her sister bye before the bus left, just as I was about to seat on the bench behind me to wait for my bus I was getting a call, I dipped my hand in my bag to check the callers ID, and it happened to be Lart calling, I must say I haven't spoken to him in a while,

- hey, how's my fav doctor doing," hey lart whatsup, am doing great, how have you been, I smiled.

- I've been good, its been a while since we last spoke or saw each other,he giggled,"yeah that's a fact.

-so how was your first day, any thing interesting?
"Oh nothing much just the basic stuff, but I like it here its cool.

-that's great Irene," how's jenna, - Jenna is doing just fine," have you guys changed your mind or should I say have you guys discussed about Jenna's surgery?

-err not really, dads been out of town for a while and mum and I are super busy, Jenna is always kind of lonely and I think its way too bad for her, am still thinking of ways to help her.

- omg lart, this is the time Jenna needs you all more than ever, she needs her family with her and you all are so busy? Wait does she even have any friends to begin with? The other line was silent as I waited for an answer from lart, - err no," now common Lart seriously, OK you know what I'll see what I can do, Jenna comes to Xavier's for her checkups right? - yeah she does, why? "Don't worry I'll still get back to you but as for now please try to be close to her and listen to her more I'll drop at your house by weekend OK, because right now my schedules are tight.

-wow you've already gotten so busy already, you won't have time to hang out with me again, he sulked, " hey am not the only one you too have lots of work too remember.

-oh yeah that's true, he laughed lightly, I noticed the bus for my stop pulled over as I tried to get in," hey lart I'll see you by weekend OK and I'll call you some other time too bye",- oh OK cool, bye Irene.
As I smiled and ended the call and got into the bus.

It was already some minutes past six when I arrived home and by the time I got home I was super exhausted, I shut the door behind me as I headed for the couch, landing on it like a bag of beans been delivered, "am sooooo tired, -hey, Irene you look so exhausted I can see work is already tough my baby.

" yes mum its so tiring, its just the first day and am already this tired", I replied my mum while trying to sit upright, she was suddenly startled and jerked back, - what's the problem mum, "honey yo..u..r.. makeup its a mess, I stared at the mirror facing our dining table and saw an image of myself I never wanted to see but could not run away from, I sighed deeply as I sadly climbed the stairs leading to my room, -honey come down for dinner in 5 OK," OK mum, I yelled as I once again fell face first on my bed with exhaustion, before getting little energy to change into some home clothes, removed my makeup and went downstairs for dinner.

I sat on the dinning table ready to start eating when my phone beeped, it was a text message:

"Hey girl, what's good its lily"

I smiled as I replied her, how did she get my number so fast, oh of course our biographies were collected today am sure that's how she knew, she had her ways of being so cunning.

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