Chapter 44

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We walked towards its large doors, as Alex slid the key card through, revealing to us a very beautifully decorated room. I stood at its entrance still amazed as Alex grabbed my attention by flipping his fingers in front of my face.

"Are you going to come in or are you going to stand there and stare all day".

Alex asked as I walked in after he spoke and then shut the door behind me. I was still amazed at what my eyes had seen, because I have never even in my wildest dreams thought I would be in a very beautiful room as this. Yes it kind of looked a bit closer to what Alex room looked like but with a very different aura, it was beautiful.
     Almost all corners of the room had a different shade of light to match the painting making the room warm and delicate. There were also scent candles and also the bed was carefully and neatly arranged with white bed sheets and a big duvet, the room looked like it was for a couple's honeymoon.

I sat carefully at the edge of the bed still exploring the room I look around until my eyes met with a certain someone.

"Are you going to shower first or should I? He asked looking at me as he also walked to a cabinet and took out some pyjamas.

"No sure... You go first, its fine, but er.. Wait they give pyjamas here too? I asked still curious as Alex roamed the entire room, he knew exactly where everything was, it was like he lived here.

"Of course, they do", he replied plainly, as he closed the drawer beside the bed and dialed a few numbers on the telephone at the top of the drawer.
     It rang for a while before someone answered and I heard him talk back, it seems he was ordering food or so, as he continued talking, I took a look around, I opened a door and it led to a little living room, wow this is kind of a simple bedroom apartment, so cool, it had television and a decoder  connected to it. The rug under my feet felt comfy and soft, I laid flat on it as I felt my face move around its fluffy features, so calm, I love this place.
  I saw another door and it led to a very exquisite bathroom everything you could think of in the bathroom was there, the mirror also had little bulbs around it, kind of looked like the one at movie sets, where the makeup for artists is been done, so pretty, I looked at myself in the mirror, I really liked it here.
   I was now done exploring all the corners and part of this Presidential Suite, I went back to the bedroom picked up my phone to check if there was any messages from mom but there were none, so I just switched it off and used a charger I saw close to the drawer a by the bed to charge my phone.
      I lay flat on the bed now looking at the ceiling my mind was blank, I wasn't thinking, I was just happy to be here. I heard sounds of water dropping from the bathroom I guess Alex was already taking a shower I also need to eventually get ready.
I could feel the upcoming  awkwardness already rolling down my whole body, I felt nervous and shaky because the whole room already gave my thinking a hard time, thoughts where just running through my mind, I already imagined how my honey moon would be when I get married, will I be nervous as this for my husband, or if something happens between me and Alex, no, no, no...nothing could possibly happen, I sat on the bed upright now ruining my hair with my fingers as I ruffled my whole hair myself, I have to keep my distance away from Alex at all costs to avoid any feelings from my side or his side, any contact or touch from our sides can trigger anything, I really can't trust myself around him, recently I don't even know what's wrong with me, its like I don't control myself any more when am with hi......,

"Your turn", I heard Alex speak as he shut the door of the bathroom behind him, I looked up slowly to see a towel only to the waist, complete set of frozen dripping abs and wet amazing, soap opera haired Alex staring at me, sorry am really not in a state of using good English words to describe him because am so shocked right now. How can someone be so good looking, in many ways, be attractive down to the cloth less state, wow Mr and Mrs Gemini, your son is an Adonis on this generation.

"Staring blindly again are we? He spoke to cut off my attention on him as he wiped his wet hair gently with a little towel, and shook his hair numerous times so the water would come of. Now this my friends and fellow readers is what we are looking for, I have to capture him by all means, he has to be mine, like take a good look, how would I miss out on this, I am strong and I can do this, I said to my self as I tightened my fists and stiffened my face, he wants a challenge, he's got a challenge, I too have attractive features, and won't ever hesitate when it comes to a challenge, bring it on boy.

I walked past him, holding the pyjamas on my hand without even staring at him for another second, I entered the bathroom.


Woah woah woah, ok why does she look like she's going for a battle and what's with the facial expressions, damn I can't ever figure out what she's thinking, she has a way of concealing it, anyway that's that.
    And how come the food I ordered hasn't arrived, there taking so long, or wait... Is what I ordered too much... Ugh!! ALEX!!!!

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