Chapter 13

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We walked to lunch together as we passed parts of the hospital I didn't know, Jessie showed me parts of the hospital where only staffs were allowed to go through, oh and lest I forget she told me to drop the whole doctor thing and just call her Jessie, she's so friendly," I think the rookies ID's should be ready by tomorrow, don't worry you soon feel like you really belong here", she smiled at me, and I smiled back.

    As we walked to the cafeteria we happened to sight Dr. Gemini from far he was with Dr. Jonah and a lady, they walked so fast as if they had an emergency situation," i guess its another emergency situation, Dr. Gemini and Jonah work very hard, I wonder who would get picked as his secretary, she really has to be very hardworking like him and worth it", Jessie spoke,"really because from the way he's so serious and hardworking she has to follow in his footsteps" I replied her as she nodded in agreement.

    We finally got to the cafeteria, the air there was so nice, it smelled like different snacks and meals at the same time, I was impressed because outside the cafeteria it was just smell of chemicals and drugs and all those hospital stuff but this I must say might just be my favorite spot in the hospital so far, imagine after a long day of work you enter here, wow that would be relieving and appealing, my stomach immediately churned distracting me from my thoughts, I only had one toast this morning of course I would be hungry, so we went in front to order.

     I had on my tray fried rice, salad, and pork, with a cup of orange juice beside it, Jessie just had salad and refined lime water on her tray,I stared at her surprisingly as she noticed she spoke, "vegetarian am a vegetarian", she smiled," oh oh I hope my meal won't make you nauseous"," nah, I can take it", she smiled at me and I reciprocated. As we ate I happened to notice Guy on a table far from ours on the right towards the window, he ate slowly as he casually stares out the window and back to his food, no wonder he's so skinny he really eats slow.

After lunch was over we headed back to our office to continue our therapy tutorials and guidelines.

After a few hours we were assembled by Dr. G, " good day everyone I hope you all are fitting well into your roles and duties", as we all nodded and murmurs were heard across the room,"I have decided who my secretary would be", there was now complete silence in the room as everyone's attention was on what he was going to say next, Miss Aubrey Boyd please step forward", all eyes narrowed down to a petit sized lady, her hair in two ponytails and her fringe was perfectly trimmed and settled just below her brows, she wore a maroon short dress with low shoes as she stepped forward and headed towards Dr. G.

This is Miss Aubrey Boyd my new secretary/assistant from now on", we all applauded as she shyly bowed towards all the corners of the room without raising her head till she was done," you all will treat her with respect and honesty ", as he bowed a little not letting his back bend but only his head as he walked out with Aubrey walking hurriedly trying to keep up with his pace.

    I turned around to go as I noticed lily squeezing through the little gathering to come meet me," where have you been I haven't seen you since lunch"," look I had to go to my sister urgently we had some home stuffs to work on", she replied panting, - well you know you can't do that for too long or again as now you work here",

" yeah yeah I know mum", she spoke with her two fingers in the air,"so what did doc say", - err he finally chose his new assistant, it happened to be a lady from I think errr.. Dr. Lindsay's group, I heard her resume was quite catchy that's why she got the job," oh oh ok, I think she was the one they said that came from Harvard", - oh really someone came from Harvard, wow is that not so cool," well yeah it is", she replied as we walked back to our duties with her arm around my shoulder and the other on her waist, I think we getting closer am so excited, this new job really changed my life in different ways.

"Where do you live", lily asked me as now work was over and we were heading out of the building," oh I stay at Dalton street, you know the one that has the famous pizza eating place, Shirley's",- omg you stay close to Shirley's, that's so cool, I know that place, am sure you go there a lot"," yeah not really, but yeah I do go there ",- wow that's amazing",- yeah I stay at house number 26, i replied as I noticed her halt also stopping me in my pace, as she did so she noticed I looked at her with a puzzled face," am waiting for my sister she should be here any second now",- oh I see, you have a sister, what department does she work in?" She's in the paediatric unit, we both came in today ", she smiled at me as I reciprocated," I hope am not keeping you waiting, you could go if you want to, you don't have to wait"," no no its fine", I replied her raising my hand in the air in a wavy motion, telling her it's fine.

We waited for about 2 minutes before I noticed lily turned behind us and waved someone to come to where we stood, am guessing that's her sister." Am sorry I took so long, I had to sign out some register stuff like that", I was stunned at the image who just spoke, she was a splitting image of lily, but her smile and outfit told a different story, she certainly is the quiet twin.

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