Chapter 18

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My face was back to normal, what my face was back to normal, i said as i smiled at the steel tray, still looking at it, thank the heavens.

"Seriously Irene, seriously are you smiling right now Irene, Dr. Alex is in there in such a critical state and you're smiling, that's not right ", lily spoke, me now noticing her pissed off, worried tone.

" no I was checking my teeth, I felt like there was something stuck in between them", I lied, lily just looked away from me and stared through the small round glass on the door of the ICU with her hand folded across her chest, and Tyler beside her, hands akimbo and feet tapping repeatedly on the ground.

After a few minutes the female doctor treating Alex came out of the room,

"He's stable now but needs enough rest, he passed out due to over work, its happened multiple times already and if it happens more often, it could be risky, there's a lot of danger in that, he could even lose his mind, and in that case one of you should do a favour and call his family please, because he normally doesn't stay at the hospital, he gets treated privately in his home, so someone has to come pick him up, and a nurse would be sent to him tomorrow morning, thank you ", as she walked out of our presence after she had finished talking.

   " Oh no, that's so bad, Dr. Alex should stop stressing himself already ", Lily's worried voice echoed around us in the room. I was about to speak when Lily's phone rang, she immediately stepped aside to answer it. I looked up at Tyler,"Do you have any idea on how we can reach his family?

I asked Tyler and he just shook his head in disagreement he didn't have a single idea on how we could reach them, and the workers in charge of those stuffs weren't on night duty,we the rookies where, what could we do.

  I immediately thought about Jessie, she's been here for a while she should at least give us any idea about what we should do. I quickly dialed her number on my phone as her caller ID lit up on my screen, it beeped multiple times until she answered.

"Hello Jessie, sorry to bother this late, I know I woke you up from your sleep, am so sorry but it's urgent".

- yeah speak up Irene what's up",

- please do you know how we could reach Dr. Alex's family members or have any idea of anyone that could help us?

- oh no I don't sadly, any problem, you seem bothered".

- oh yeah Dr. Alex passed out again, he's currently in the ICU, and the doctor that treated him, said we should call his home urgently you see".

" Oh that's so sad, I think you should ask Aubrey since she works closer to him, she should have their number or at least a clue on how you could reach them,

" oh yes that's true, thanks so much jess", and doing so I hung up and immediately dialed Aubrey's number, which I got from Tyler, as it began to beep, lily rushed towards us.

"Guys I have to leave now, Irene Laiya called me for something very urgent,  please keep calling me for updates, I'll be back in an hour"

- OK lily, there no problem, see you later", I spoke doing so, I waved her bye.
   Immediately Aubrey picked up her call.

"Hello, please who is this, and why are you calling at this hour?

- hey Aubrey, am Irene from your department at the hospital, I called because we need to reach Dr. Alex's family"

- and why is that?

"Dr. Alex passed out and is currently in the ICU, the doctor that examined him said we need to reach his family, for other confidential details".

- oh no, I would have come over, but he sent me to his branch in Conradina for some work, OK I'll send you his Nana and best friends number now, try any one of them, you might get through".

- OK thank you so much, I answered as she ended the call and I received a text few seconds later.

I tried his best friends line first but it was switched off, really at this critical times, I then called his Nana, poor Nana I guess she must be sleeping now, it beeped and then there was a voice which spoke gently,

"hello, please who is this",.

- hello, am calling from St. Xavier's hospital, please am I speaking to Dr. Alex's Nana? I asked,

"No Nana's is asleep am her right hand, how may I help you",

" Well you see, Dr. Alex passed out earlier today and was rushed to the clinic's ICU, and the doctor asked to call his family, saying she needs to speak with them about something confidential, and she also said he gets private treatment at home",

- oh no he what, omg that's disastrous, OK what's your name?

Irene, its Irene",

- OK Irene honey I'd need your help because Nana is not in town now so, I'll send over his driver, but I'll give his driver your number, so that when he arrives hell call you and you'll come along with him to the Gemini mansion, is that OK with you?

- err... Yeah sure of course, I'll be waiting ",

- thank you so much dear, as she ended the call.

I told Tyler everything our conversation was about, and asked him to follow me along with the driver that was coming, but he declined saying someone has to stay behind, because our unit was empty, lily rushed home and now I'll have to take Dr. Alex home.

- OK then Tyler there's no problem with that, I smiled at him,

- if there's any update please let me know", he spoke softly, as I nodded  in acceptance, he smiled as he walked in the opposite direction leading to the elevator.
I sat outside the ICU at the waiting block, as I was now waiting for when the driver would arrive.


It was now about 24 minutes since I was waiting for the driver, I started to feel a little drowsy, when my phone started to ring, I noticed the called ID was strange, maybe it was his driver calling, could he have arrived already as I swiped right on my phone, answering the call.

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