Chapter 35

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I just finished helping the maid with the dishes after we chatted a little, she showed me around the mansion it was extraordinarily beautiful, from the interiors to the gardens the buildings where made with different kind of materials at point they mattered, so astonishing.
   After a while I needed to go home, I went up to my room, put the clothes I used while my stay in the house, as I changed into the dress I came with.
  I dried the clothes in the bathroom, I dressed the bed, pit things back in their place and grabbed my bag and left the room.

"I'll be leaving now", I grabbed Valerie's attention as she looked back at me and walked up to me.

"Ok then miss, Harrison will be outside waiting for you, he has to drop you off at your home as per Nana's orders", she smiled lightly at me as I also did the same.

"Ok then I'll leave now, bye Valerie, bye guys", I waved back at the other maids, who looked like they where going to cry, if I left while waving back at me, I smiled at them and headed for the doors.

The drive home was long as usual as Harrison kept a straight face making it hard to strike a conversation with him. I picked up my phone as I just surfed the web for anything trending I can find ready worthy, I kept scrolling through a lot of things, I happened to see my favorite kpop band "BANDPINK" released a new song and where currently live, so I decided to join the live. They mixed speaking in Korean and English, I understand both so I had an advantage as I visited a lot of times to see my aunt. I watched them for a while as they cracked little jokes and spoke about the newly released album, before I left the live. I fixed in my ear pods as I listened to some music.

          After a while................

"Thank you a lot for dropping me off am sincerely grateful", I smiled lightly as I thanked Harrison just before he left, so i walked into the house.
    As I entered I pulled my heels and held them on my hand as I walked into the living room, mum was sitting on the couch watching her fav drama series.

"Hey ma, am back" I spoke to her as she turned to look at me.

"Where have you been, I called the hospital they said you weren't there, and I didn't see you leave the house,I became worried sick, i also called your phone one time it was switched off another time it rang until it went to a voice message", she spoke worried sick.

"Sorry mum, I had dinner with my boss and he told me switch off my phone to avoid distractions, I didn't know I'll be this late, so I didn't bother texting am so sorry for making you this worried ma", I apologised my head bowed my eyes looking down at my painted toes.

"Its fine dear just make sure next time you tell me where you going ok?

"Ok ma, I will", I smiled back at her as she also did the same.

"There food in the warmer you should have some when you change and take a shower you look famished".

"Ok ma, thanks", I replied heading upstairs to my room, I entered my room and fell face first on my bed I always do that so its normal.

  That reminds me I got to text lily, she must have been dying to know what happened at the Gemini mansion.


I spoke to lily after a while, she decided we talk at work so I then also decided to rest my throbbing head a little by sleeping and also not forgetting to set my alarm.

It was now 4:35pm, I dressed up and went to the bus stop as usual before heading to the hospital, I checked in with my ID card and used the elevator upstairs. I went in to my unit Tyler was already there playing games as usual, I said hi to him and peeped in Alex's office but he wasn't in, I asked Tyler but he said he had a meeting with some people and then left with Aubrey.
    I entered the changing room as lily hadn't arrived yet, and then went for a little ward checkup with my patients.

"Hello ICY" kumal greeted as we did our greeting handshake and laughed lightly.

"How's your leg big boy, how you feeling today" I asked adjusting his bandaged leg to get a better look.

"It feels better and am feeling good today",

"Have you had your meals today correctly?

"Yes I have, and what about you ICY, how did today go for you?

"It went well Kumal, I am fine, well I see there is improvement on your leg, so we'll be doing a little excersise to text it out ok",- ok", he smiled excitedly.

I lifted his leg higher a little, taking and swinging it gradually up and down, after a while I let him do it on his own, he swung it for a while and there really was a lot of improvement on it.

"Ok Kumal let's try walking a bit today",
"Really, were walking today, finally ok then sure let's start", he smiled excitedly.

He came down from his bed where he laid and walked a little on the leg, as advised by me, I told him not to exert too much pressure on the leg as he walked, which he did so smartly and he was able to walk a little around the room, as some of the other patients in the room cheered for him, it was nice seeing them happy and smiling that way.

He sat back in his bed as I helped him up.

"Kumal I have a surprise for you, are you ready for it?

"Yes sure I love surprises, show me show me",

"Ok I'll bring it to you but not today, I'll be here tomorrow morning even though am not on duty, just to show you the surprise ok, deal?

"Errrrr... Ok I guess its a deal then" as we shook hands, and I waved him goodbye as I moved to check with Judy.

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