Chapter 22

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I wobbled in my heels as I approached home, I am so exhausted.

I opened the door with my house keys, as i pulled my shoes at the main entrance, i put them on the mini shelve that was there and picked my fluffy slippers that was on the shelve and wore it.
     I sighed in relief i never expected them to be so soft, i wore them like all the time, i didn't think there were this soft, home is surely sweet, i felt so relieved as i walked into the quiet house.

I got mum's text, she said she'll be out to see her friends, and then go grocery shopping and she said she made pudding, so I guess I'll be home alone because Rio obviously is still at school.

I walked up to the fridge as I removed the pudding and then the lid of the bowl, and put it in the warmer, pushed some buttons and then waited for it to heat up.

I packed my hair up in a messy bun and pulled my coat and hung on the coat rack close to the door, as I waited for my pudding, I leaned on the surface where the warmer was kept.

Finally the house is so quiet I can sleep in peace, I need a rest my head kept throbbing so much, I pressed my forehead slightly with my index and middle finger, it hurts so bad.

Dingggg!!! My pudding was now ready, I quickly grabbed an oven glove as I removed my bowl of pudding filled with sirocco and set on the table, I grabbed the sugar jar and added a little to it as I mixed it through and scooped a spoon, blew it slightly, and put in my mouth, mum's pudding is really the best in the world, as it melts in my mouth, so delicious.

I continued eating as I remembered the incident at Dr. Alex's mansion, why did he grab my hand like that and who was Eartha, did he have like a friend or relative or someone with the name Eartha, am so confused, I was eating slowly, still thinking when suddenly my phone rang, startling me.

I really need to change that ringtone its too pitchy and loud, I dropped my spoon in the pudding as I looked at the screen of my phone, lifting it up from the table to check the caller ID, it was lily calling.
I smiled lightly as I swiped my phone right answering the call.

Irene: Hey! Lily, whatsup?

Lily: Hey, girl, how are you doing.

Irene: Am good, just got home, and you, how's the emergency you  needed to take care of?

Lily: Yeah oh that, it went well, its great.

Irene: Oh, OK cool.

Lily: Oh, so how's Dr. Alex feeling now, is he better, has he woken up yet?

Irene: Yeah, he did this morning, but his head was still throbbing a little though, so I just gave him the drugs the doctor prescribed earlier to him, and how he should take them.

Lily: Oh, that's better, thank God he's awake, I feel relieved now.

Irene: That one of your crushes didn't die, I giggled a little.

Lily: Yeah of course, my crushes have to be healthy and alive for me to crush my life away obviously, if they die I'll be left crush less.

She laughed so hardly, I could hear her almost choke.

Lily: Irene, you're a good person you know, you took care of him so well, and all by yourself, wow that's very nice of you, thank you for keeping my crush alive.

I could feel her smile over the phone.

Irene: Oh come on its nothing, you too would have done that if you where in my shoes.

Lily: Of course who would miss an opportunity like that with her crush, like are you crazy, that's a VVIP girl.

We both laughed

Irene: Anyway thank you, you're a good person too.

I smiled too over the phone.

Lily: Awwn thank you.

Then it hit me why don't I ask lily about Eartha she should know something, seems she knows almost everything about Alex.

Irene: Errr... Lily if you don't mind me asking.

Lily: err... OK shoot, girl whatsup?

Irene: You know, you do know a lot about Dr. Alex right?

Lily: Yeah obviously

She giggled again.

Irene: OK I wanted asking, does he have any relative called "Eartha" anywhere or something?

Lily: OMG!!! Eartha, "The Eartha Kitt" are you kidding me, you don't know Eartha, Irene you can't be serious.

Irene: Err... I actually am serious, I don't know who he or she is, please come on tell me.

Lily: OK listen up girl, Eartha was Dr. Alex's girlfriend or should I say fiancee ,who he loved so deeply and she too loved him, there were so so in love, they were even about to get married when suddenly a tragic accident happened and Eartha died in a car accident.

Dr. Alex was so traumatized he vowed never to love anyone again and instead decided to engross himself in more work, so he could be distracted from anything, that would remind him of Eartha. She was his first and last love.
    That was when he made an excuse about not having time for women.

Girl are you sure I haven't told you this story before, it seems I have.

Irene: No you haven't told me before, oh no that's a very sad story, I wonder how Dr. Alex felt at that time, alone and scared, I feel so sorry for him.

Lily: Yeah girl me too, but wait how did you hear about Eartha?

Irene: Er.. I er... I heard his maids call the name, that why, I was curious, I didn't hear what the said though, I just heard the name. I lied.

Lily: Oh oh, I see, wow it means you entered his mansion, and saw how it looked and everything, girl you're so lucky, look we have a lot to talk about when we see later today, OK.

Irene: OK lily.

Lily: Great, OK I'll hang up now, see you later bye.

Irene: Bye lily.

As she ended the call, just right after I spoke.

So Eartha was his first love, that's so sad, but what made him utter the name after I furiously yelled at him, oh! That's true I yelled at him, for a reason he was not at fault for, oh Irene I say you're cursed girl.

I finished my pudding as I washed the dish and placed it on the dish rack, and went up to my room for a nap.

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