Chapter 16

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Oh yeah I know about it, I think my sister has mentioned it once or twice, yeah she's a fashion designer too.
" oh wow that's cool, no wonder your outfits keep making me go crazy every time i see you,she smiled at me as I reciprocated.

"Back to what I was saying, i also heard he so hardworking, sometimes he does both night and morning shifts because of emergencies, he feels every single opportunity is risky and it counts, for an accident to happen, because of that I heard he has post - traumatic stress ,he suddenly passes out sometimes due to over work,- what! Really?" Yes irene, and he is kind of like an all rounder, he knows at least the basic facts of different departments in the hospital,

- woah, is he that smart and that's sad, he stresses himself too much "yeah he does, from today he's also one of my crush, making them 6 now,- woah they are already up too 6, lily you're something else, I replied as we laughed together," so Aubrey really has to up her game as he's assistant, I bet she won't even last a week with him.
"Woah now that's very scary, I replied sipping my milkshake slowly.

" hey, someone called out in my direction as I happened to notice a young man approaching our table looking at me, he seemed familiar, oh now I remember, - Noah right, I spoke as I pointed at him, " yeah, I see you have good memory recalling people, he spoke as he smiled,- can I join you guys," oh sure you can have a seat, as I adjusted my sitting to make room for him.

"Err... Lily this is my friend Noah, he works at the radiology department, he's new like us too, oh and Noah meet lily my friend were in the same department, - oh cool its nice to meet you Noah, lily smiled, as they exchanged greetings and shook hands.

" so I told Laiya to put her feet around the pole, stuck her hand under her legs and left her hanging ", we all laughed the same time, although our pitches were different I was happy, lily was telling us how she stuck Laiya to a pole without even touching her, it was hilarious I could imagine the look on laiya's face.

- errrrr Irene could you give me your phone so i can scan your lajash barcode to add you as a friend and also your Instagram handle, Noah requested,- sure, I replied as I handed my phone to him, he also requested Lily's too.

" Thanks I'll see you guys some other time yeah, he smiled, -OK Noah see you as he left and I waved him bye.

Lunch was now over and we were still working, I was stretching a patient's leg when i saw Dr. Alex giving Aubrey death glares, I feel sad for Aubrey, she so cute and calm her personality doesn't even go with his, am beginning to agree with lily about her not even lasting a week, I myself don't even wish to be stressed like that, although she gets paid higher than us and has more advantages, I still won't even imagine myself in her place, I could feel the chills of his presence already.

"Irene, could you please come over here and help me with this, Jessie called out to me as I dismissed my patient and helped her out with hers.

It was now 5:30pm in the evening most of the workers had gone home, I was already so tired and hungry, I looked around for lily, but she was still working with a little girl, who broke her arm and was operated on, lily seemed so good at her job and with children too, I never expected it.

I waited 10 minutes and then it was time for the ward rounds. Dr Alex was still in his office and we were suppose to have the rounds with him since he was the only higher up still around.
I had to go remind him, since it seemed he had a lot of things on his mind and Aubrey wasn't around, she was still running errands I guess.

I knocked on the door to his office as I entered," Sir its time for the ward rounds", I spoke as my voice was very audible as it echoed a little,"OK I'll be right up", he grabbed his notepad and began to walk up to me as I moved out of the way and opened the door, and I trailed behind him.

We arrived the wards and he assigned us to 2 patients each, I was assigned to a little boy, his name was Kabir Khan he was about 7 years old, and an old lady, she was about 70 years her name was Judy Balinski. We introduced ourselves to the patients as we started general checkups.

We finished with ward rounds and we were back to our office, Dr. Alex went back into his office he looked a little stressed out though, I went to my locker to get my phone I was so bored sitting with lily who was consistently jabbing the key pads of her phone. I pressed the power button on my phone and I noticed I had a message from mum, it said she saw the note I left her, I was so busy since lunch I couldn't reply her so I did so immediately, I also saw a text from Noah, well that was quick, I smiled at my phone as I replied him too.

It was 11:56pm in the night almost midnight, and there were still no emergencies, I was already bored playing games on my phone and I wasn't still sleepy, meanwhile lily was fast asleep beside me, I noticed Tyler too was asleep, I looked into Dr. Alex's office but he wasn't there I guess he's already left for home.

I went into my locker room to take some cash, so in case I was going to buy something to eat, when I went out to stroll, even though it was unhealthy to eat so late, i was super hungry.
As I was about to close my locker something startled me, I opened my locker and stared at my reflection in the mirror I put in my locker, and there I was with no atom of makeup on, I was so hideous looking and ugly.
Omg I have to put this on quickly, as I took my powder and started dabbing my face.

What shocked me was, no matter how much makeup I put on, my face still stayed the same, I applied as much lipstick as I could but there was no effect on me. What the heck was going on, why now, and that's when I saw it, at the stroke of 12 midnight my makeup was of no use, would this be how everybody would see me, what will they say, what will they do.

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