15. I Wasn't Prepared To Care

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I hope you're all enjoying the story! Here's another chapter!

Sorry it's been a while!


- Torben

"Why do you think I'd agree to that?" I lean back in my chair from behind my desk, staring boringly back at James, the spark in his eyes disappearing when he sees the look in my own and realizes I'm going to refuse his proposal.

"Because I'm well trained and I'd make a good leader." He argues and aggressively leans forward in his chair.

My gaze becomes hard, "One. Drop that fucking attitude when talking to me." He instantly draws back, his aggressive body language disappearing as he watches me with wary eyes. "Two. You couldn't lead a dog if it was wearing a fucking leash."

He's asking to lead one of the training warrior groups but I know he's certainly not ready for that.

James' ego takes a giant hit from my aggressive comment, the angry look on his face bringing me slight amusement. "I am well capable of-"

"You're still a pup, James." I cut him off, "Right now all you need to worry about is looking after that mother and sister of yours."

James is clearly frustrated, snapping up from his seat and exhaling sharply, "I am perfect to lead and one of these days you'll realize it."


"Get back to training and channel that frustration elsewhere, carry on using it against me and you won't get very far with two broken legs." I'm completely serious and well prepared to go through with my threat. James is very aware of that.

"Yes, Alpha." He grinds his teeth. He quickly bows his head and exits my office, allowing me to relax back into my chair.


Fuck, what now?

I snap my eyes to the doorway to find Felice standing there and the look on his face gives me cause for concern, "What is it?"

"On my last round of checking up on Asmara I found Ezlyn inside her cell."

I snap upright from my chair, "What the fuck did she do?"

Felice becomes extremely aware of the rage battling its way through my body but he doesn't hesitate, knowing that would piss me off even more. He carefully states, "She tortured her."

The rage erupted from my body when I literally threw my desk into the wall on my left and stormed past Felice. That stupid bitch. I'm beyond anger, beyond reason as I make my way through the building, headed for Asmara's cell. All I can see is red, pack members glancing over to me, sensing the rage that's spewing from my body. They all back away, not wanting to get in my way.

Smart choice.

Felice is behind me, not saying a word that could cause me or my wolf to attack him.

Everything becomes blurry until I saw her. She's the only thing I see, the only thing that becomes clear to me. Seeing her dangling from her chains passed out with that nasty gash across her stomach and the one across her face... It affects me greatly and I freeze.

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