Saying No (Part 12)

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You have to read the previous 10 parts for this to make a lick of sense.

Also if you want the names of those who asked for this chapters I can pass them onto you. Murder them, not me.


Donovan felt his blood growing hotter and hotter as the op leader continued to talk. Everyone in the room nodded and went along with what he was saying. Donovan wanted to strangle the man, how he could be so heartless?

When he glanced across the table at Carter, she appeared completely at ease. How was she fine going along with this plan? How could she put herself in danger after what happened a few months ago?

"That's when Agent Owens will approach the subject and confirm they have the product. Once she alerts us, we'll take them down. Understood?" Agent Ramirez said.

Murmurs of agreement went around the room but Donovan couldn't keep his anger in any longer.

"No," he said.

The single word silenced the team of agents as they all turned to him. Carter narrowed her eyes and he could almost hear her telling him to shut up.

"What's the problem, agent?" Ramirez said.

"The problem is you are sending Agent Owens into the headquarters of a gang unarmed and bugged. If they suspect anything or find the camera, she gets a bullet to the head before we can breach."

Ramirez threw Carter a look but she didn't see it, her glared pinned on Donovan.

"Agent Owens can handle herself," Ramirez said.

Donovan stood, his anger roaring inside him. "I'm not letting this happen."

Carter shot to feet. "Agent Keller, a word."

The bite in her tone made everyone in the room shift, casting Donovan hesitant glances.

"Excuse us," Donovan said to Ramirez, his tone equally as chilly.

The pair left the ops room and found a secluded corner. Carter spun on Donovan, fury burning in her eyes.

"How dare you humiliate in front of everyone!" she snarled. "You had no right to say that."

Donovan balled his fists, matching her rage.

"I don't care if you feel humiliated, I'm not letting put yourself in danger."

Carter looked like she wanted to hit him.

"You don't get to decide that!"

"I'm your husband! I get to decide whatever I need to to keep you safe!"

In flash, Carter's anger turned cold and she stepped closer to him.

"You are my husband, but that does not mean you control me."

"I have no intention of controlling you, but stopping you from doing something that could get you killed, yes I'm going to fight with all that I have to make sure you don't take part in it."

Carter growled in frustration. "How can you be so idiotic! This is my job, this is what I'm supposed to do, I need to do this!"

With that admittance, Donovan understood.

"You have nothing to prove to them. You already came through the worst."

Carter dug her nails into her palms and Donovan saw how her hands shook.

"That is exactly why I need to prove it, they need to know I'm not broken, that I can still do this." She lifted her chin, challenging him. "And you are not going to stop me."

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