✟ Chapter Eighteen: Ciudad de los Ángeles ✟

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        Aztec roars as it soars towards the city, Jet smiles as he leap's onto Aztec's head. Karlyn, Keoki and Riley anxiously grab hold of each other, trying to balance themselves. Lana chuckles to herself when she sees their scared faces. 

''Its okay, it'll take a few to get used to! But don't worry, the only ways you'll fall is if you get pulled off or Aztec explodes!'' Lana winks at them as they get even more anxious. 

      Charel suddenly gets a tingly feeling in her stomach as they get closer to the city, she looks to the left and to the right, ''We've got attacks from four o'clock and eleven o'clock! Block them!'' 

      Karlyn looks behind them to see a ball of fire flying towards them, she throws a sphere of white aura at the ball, causing it to explode. Jet looks ahead to see some chunks of rock being thrown at them, he slams his hand down on top of Aztec's head. Aztec unleashes a blast of water at the chunk of rock, destroying it to pieces. 

''Nice one!'' Charel exclaims in excitement as she sees the cloud of smoke from the fire and the pieces of rock falling back down. Redrick glances at Charel and taps her on the shoulders. 

''How did you know that was going to happen?!'' He curiously ask's her, everyone listens in. 

      Charel shrugs her shoulders, ''After the Angel's brought me back from near death, I think I got some sort of new power. I can sense thing's much better now, especially attacks from afar. I didn't start to actually develop it until the Bridge of Hallow's. I could feel so much from the mountain, where they had me at.'' Charel reminisces as she nods her head, thinking back. 

''That's interesting. I continue to be impressed by you Red Heart's, its incredible. You picked you're self a mighty team here, Jet.'' Karlyn shouts as she pats his back, Jet nods his head agreeing with her. Jet look's forward again to concentrate. 

       Riley, Lana, and Redrick look below them to see a few battles waging on in the streets, above the building's in the air and inside building's. Riley groans as he grabs at his chest, he bends over in pain. 

''Riley, what is it?!'' Lana anxiously ask's as her hands begin to glow green, ready to heal him. Riley puts a hand up to stop her. 

''There's no need for that. I just feel pain in my heart....there's so much death happening around us. I can't believe it.'' Riley squirms as he begins imagining the streets paved in blood and limbs. Lana and Redrick both put a hand on his shoulder to try and comfort him. 

      Jet and Charel gasp at the same time when they both feel incoming attacks from below them, Aztec begins maneuvering around trying to avoid the attacks. Jet sees some flames barely touch Aztec's left wing, causing a sizzle. 

''We need to block the attacks! Do whatever you need to do to make sure we make it! We're almost to the Museum!'' Jet shouts as his hands begins crystallize into ice. He immediately begins to shoot shards of ice at incoming blocks of rock from the front. Karlyn and Keoki both hold each other's hands, connecting their power. Karlyn's eyes begin to glow white, she sees a ball of fire hurling straight towards her. She flicks her wrist to the side, the ball of fire get's blown to the side, avoiding her. Keoki raises his hand up over his head, suddenly four long boulder's begin to float around Aztec's body. A bolt of lightning soars toward's them, Keoki blocks it by using a boulder as the shield. 

      Riley conjures lightning in hand strikes a burst of water being thrown at them, it electrifies the water and explodes, it begins to lightly rain before stopping after a minute. As Aztec continues to dodge attacks, the Dragon spins and twirls around avoiding them. After a brief moment to breathe, they all suddenly see the sun block out above them. Everyone looks up to see thunder about to strike them, Jet gasps in fear as he tries to dodge it but fails. Karlyn's body begins to glow to teleport, but is too late. Everyone gasps in fear as the thunder is shot at them. 

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