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"I said to fucking run!" Jet screams at the Red Hearts who are watching intensely at him from behind down the hall near a flight of stairs.

"But Jet! What about you?!" Charel yells as she points at him; Lana, Redrick and Zalez all glance at Jet who still has his back to them all.

He turns back around and smiles at her, "I'll be right behind you guys. Now go. Hurry, I'll face them on while you guys get to the roof of the building with Angel. Remember we have to keep him safe!" Jet says to try and get them to run off with Angel, who is in Redrick's arms. Jet faces forward again after he hears some grunting and screeches outside the building.

"We are not going to leave you to fight them alone!" Charel yells at him as she glances at Lana and Redrick, she nods in the direction of the stairs. They both nod their heads and make their way up to the rooftop.

Charel and Zalez rush to stand on both sides of Jet, he sees them appear and frowns in confusion, "I thought I told you all to run away?! What are you two still doing here?! That's an order!" Jet says as he tries to get them away, but neither of them move.

"We were chosen to be apart of this team to help you survive! And that's what we are gonna do! We are gonna help you." Charel raises her voice back at him, Jet growls as he shakes his head. In the distance they hear the undead getting closer to them.

Lana and Redrick both continue making their way up the spiral staircase, "Will they be alright?" Lana asks as she glances at Redrick.

He nods his head and keeps running up the stairs with Angel in his arms. Lana hears the faint screeches from the undead already echoing inside the halls of the staircase of the building.

"They're in. Whatever happens, you both stay close to the stairs. The few hundred that were wandering the streets barely noticed us, but the horde that spotted us will most likely gather more of the undead! So be prepared." Jet says as he sees the first undead running around the corner with blood and ooze foaming out its mouth.

Suddenly dozens of more of the undead begin ravaging through the hallway, clawing and biting at one another to get to the three breathing souls. Jet's arms are suddenly covered in a sharp blade of ice to fight. Charel grabs her pistol out as Zalez reaches for his sword, he holds it tightly in his grip.

Jet charges forward, head on for the undead, much to Charel and Redrick's surprise. Jet rushes past a few of them, slicing most of them half. As he's standing up tall, he uppercuts a zombie, lodging the tip of the blade of ice into the zombies head. The head pops off its body and hits the ceiling, it falls back down with a loud splat. Jet ducks down as an undead attempts to dive on top of him. Jet quickly lifts up his leg and kicks the zombie in the chin, completely destroying its head.

Jet swiftly stays close to the ground and trips a few zombies to the ground before he sees some water dripping down the sides of the walls. He smirks before he bawls up his fist and then quickly opens his palm wide. As he does that, spikes of ice shoot out from the now frozen water. Many zombies are impaled to the walls and each other, making it difficult to get by. Jet ducks and slides pass all of the spikes in his way before he sees Charel and Zalez facing off with the other undead that got by him. He stops in his tracks and hears more zombies coming. Jet notices the two managing to hold their own against the dozen undead.

Charel easily manages to shoot a few of the undead in the face, before being tackled to the staircase by a zombie. It begins clamping its teeth open and closed trying to get a chunk of meat from her neck, Charel feels the intense heat radiating from its open mouth. She grabs the handle of her knife in her back and swiftly stabs the undead in the side of the head. Its drops to her side, dead.

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