Chapter Thirty-Five: Team Brian vs God

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Brian holds up his sword as well. Joan walks to the front of the group and stands next to Brian. Uriel then stands to Brian's right.

Reanne reloads the last of her weapons and pulls out her handguns. Rai holds his last dagger. Otit readies his fan.

"Let's do this." Brian says aloud. He immediately disappears and appears behind God while slightly in the air, Brian quickly tries to bring down his sword down on God's head, but God swiftly turns around in time to block it with his sword. God smirks as he sees Brian's uneasy face.

God swings their swords up, Brian gets slightly thrown back a little. God swiftly twirls the sword and aims it for Brian's heart, just as the tip is about to pierce his heart something grabs his arms from behind. He glances back and sees Joan standing there holding him back by the elbow. He feels a slightly gust from his left. He glances in that direction and sees a whirlwind heading towards him at full speed.

He quickly holds up his hand and blocks the whirlwind, much to Otit's surprise.

Reanne aims her sniper and shoots God through the forearm. He glares back at her.

She takes aim at his hand next. He suddenly throws the whirlwind in her direction and Rai's. Reanne and Rai gasp in fear as the whirlwind hits them and flings them back. The whirlwind begins giving them small cuts all around their body.

Otit watched helplessly as he sees the two of them screaming in pain.

Joan's left hand crackles as electricity begins forming in it. Brian tries to impale God from the chest again, but God swings his sword to the right hitting Brian's sword.

They both spark on contact. Joan tries to impale him with her lightning in the ribs, but God does a backflip, narrowly avoiding the attack. As he's coming back down he punches down on the top of her head. She falls down face first, as God lands he sucks as Brian swings at him again.

God swiftly spins on his heel and kicks Brian in his gut, sending him soaring back into the wall, crashing through it.

God looks down at Joan and lightly kicks her in the stomach, she twirls through the air, over the heads of everyone else.

Otit quickly leaps into the air and catches her, he lands back on the ground smoothly.

Rai, Reanne and Uriel walk up to the front and charge for God. Reanne shoots at him, but God easily moves out of the way of the bullets. Rai grins as he throws a few bubbles, as they pass by God, Reanne shoots two of them causing a huge explosion. Uriel finishes it by slicing downward on the cloud of black smoke, but God catches it with both hands above his head.

God grins as he breaks the blade in half. He grabs Uriel by the throat and tightens his grip.

Reanne and rai rush to his aid, but God pushes them back with a powerful pressure. Joan groans as she slightly opens her eyes, she looks up and sees Otit staring down at her.

Brian spits out some blood, he looks up and sees Uriel being suffocated.


But before Brian could even move, he's pushed back into the wall with the powerful pressure.

"I'll put you out of your misery." God says as he grins evilly.

God slams Uriel down on his knees, he groans in pain. God quickly wraps his other hand around Uriel's head.

Brian and the others try to help, but in the blink of an eye God twists Uriel's head around.

Everyone's mouth drops in shock, Uriel's body drops forward. A pool of blood forming around his head.

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