Chapter Thirty-Four: White Corridor

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Brian and Otit feel the staircase slightly shake, they both look up and then back down at each other. They begin sprinting with Uriel close behind.

Joan impales an Angel with her lightning fist, she quickly takes her hand out of his chest and kicks him, sending him onto his back.

She quickly ducks down as an Angel tries to stab her from the back. She lifts her leg up and hits the Angel in the chin, sending him up to the ceiling.

Rai dodges and avoids the Angels trying to slice him and shoot him with arrows. He throws a few bubbles causing small explosions, killing any Angels within a foot of it.

He trips an Angel and shoves a small bubble into the Angels mouth, a few seconds pass before his head and upper torso explodes sending blood gushing everywhere.

Reanne blocks a sword and shoots the Angel holding it in the neck, blood gushed out as he grabs his neck and falls over.

She shoots multiple Angels in the face and heart without missing a shot.

Reanne swings her blade around and sliced open an Angels throat. She twirls her blade around and grabs it by the handle and digs it into an Angels ribs behind her.

She looks around and sees about 6 more of them left standing by the door at the end.

The three of them stand by each and walk around the corpses and blood around them.

The last of the shaky Angels cling to the weapons in their hands.

Joan charges up her lightning as Rai blows a large bubble the size of a basketball. Joan zaps the bubble. Rai throws the bubble with all his might at the group of Angels. As it hits them, they are begin getting electrocuted.

Reanne grabs her sniper and snipes them all in a matter of seconds.

"That was pretty cool." Rai softly says to himself. Joan smirks as she nods her head, agreeing with him.

"It was pretty cool." Joan turns to Reanne, "Your scary good with that thing. The Navy must've really trained you hard to get you to be this good." Joan compliments her.

Reanne smirks, "thank you."

"You guys ready?" Joan asks as she places her hands on the door. Joan reloads her sniper and hand gun before nodding her head. Rai takes another deep breath and nods.

Joan pushes open the door, a bright black light blinding them. After a few seconds theirs eyes adjust to the darkness. They see a white wall at the center of the darkness and a small white platform in front of it.

"You've come." Someone says out of nowhere.

"We've come to settle this war once and for all." Joan says to the darkness.

"Very comical. A lightning style Black Heart, Red Heart and human have all come to try to defeat me? God? You'd need at least hundreds more of you to even be able to touch me." God says as he chuckles.

"We aren't your average group of fighters. So don't underestimate us, live your fellow Samael and Kat have." Joan spits at him.

"Ah yes. Those two. It seems they are still alive and well. They are my most powerful duo." God says in sad tone.

"I want to ask you something." Joan anxiously says as she leaps onto the white platform.

"Why'd you do it?"

Reanne and rai glance at the mass of white wall.

"After all this time you still don't know why?"

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