Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Survivors

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Otit carefully makes his way around all of the bodies littered on the floor of the lobby.

"Who could of done this? Was it God? He must of planned this from the beginning, if it was him."

Otit suddenly hears someone gasping for air nearby, he dashes around a corner and sees the Director impaled against the wall with a broken piece of a table leg.

"My god." Otit says as he sees blood trailing down the wall to the ground. He immediately sees the words, 'I'VE ALREADY WON.', spelt above the Director in thick blood.

"Please son, you have to help me. I need to send word to everyone in the city." The Director groggily says as he looks down at Otit.

"I'll help you sir, but it's gonna hurt like a mother fucker." Otit says as he looks at the table leg lodged completely through the Director and some of the wall.

The Director grins, "Son, I've made it through worse than this. This little splinter isn't a big deal." As the Director tries to laugh, he groans in pain as he coughs up blood.

Otit examines the wounds a little. He walks up the Director and puts his hand on the table leg, "On the count of 3, I'm going to pull this out."

The Director nods his head and closes his eyes, he tries to hold his breath.


"2...-" Otit yanks the table leg with everything he has, out of the wall and Director. The Director cries out in pain as he slides to the ground. After briefly screaming, the Director holds in his screams. He leans his head back as he looks up at the white ceiling, a tear slides down the side of his face.

Otit steps back after glancing at the wound left in the Directors stomach, "Mr. Director, I'll be back momentarily." Otit says as he's looks around at the signs above the different hallways.

"Where are you going?"

"Your gonna bleed out to death if I don't patch you up...Well try to." Otit says as he glances back at the director.

"It's... Its near the cafeteria, the medical room. Follow this hallway to the left and you'll come to a split. Go.. through the doorway on your right before the split. Go down three flights of stairs and exit the staircase. Make a left out the door and you'll.." The director slowly cuts himself off as he falls unconscious.

Otit's eyes widen in fear as he immediately follows the instructions. He dashes down the halls and stairs.

He opens the door, exiting the staircase, and makes a left. He sees a few doors with no signs.

He jogs to each room he passes, glancing into them, searching for the medical room. He opens one door and finds the cafeteria.

Otit stops at the doorway, shocked. He glances around the room and sees dozens of civilians slaughtered. Blood, body limbs and debris in every direction. Otit quickly slams the door shut and puts his back to the door. Otit gulps loudly before walking away from the door to the other doors in the hallway.

He stops in the middle of the hall and takes a deep breath as he looks down at his feet.

Otit nods his head and looks back up and continues on his search. He passes three more doors before he sees a green cross on the door to the medical room.

Otit gasps in excitement as he quickly barges into the room, his eyes widen in fear when he sees dead patients on all twenty beds lined against the walls. A few dead patients sitting against the wall with bullet holes in their heads.

"What the hell happen here?" Otit anxiously asks himself as he looks around. He covers his nose as he slowly walks through the large room, keeping an eye out for the deceased coming back to life.

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