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Suddenly a voice burst through Jet's mind screaming, 'JET! Don't go to the-!' The voice quickly cut's off. Stopping again, he begin's to breathe in quickly.

"That sounded like...Joan? But how?" Standing there murmuring to himself he attempt's to talk back to the voice, "Joan? Was that you?" A few second's pass and no reply. "Are you still there? Joan?" Shaking in place, Lana notices him in the back standing their, examining his confused face she look's back to the other's, "Guy's wait! It's Jet." She turn's back around to look at Jet and quickly run's to him.

Everyone watches Lana as she stand's in front of Jet, tapping his shoulder she call's out for him. "Jet? Jet, what's wrong?" She waves her hand in front of his face, Jet blink's his eye's a few time's before looking up at her.

"Huh?" Jet anxiously says as he look's around and see's everyone else watching him attentively. Bringing his attention back to Lana he clear's his throat and stretches his collar.

"I think I heard Joan talking to me in my head."

Lana cocks her head to the side, frowning in confusion before pulling him along to the others.

Letting him go, she shoves him in front of the group, "Tell'em what you told me!"

"I think I heard...my sister Joan talk to me in my head. Like it was some kind of mind telekinesis. It happen for a few second's before she was cut off or something." Jet sigh's before he tunes everyone out as they discuss, quietly talking in his mind.

'Joan? Was that you sis? Joan, please answer me.' A few second's pass and slight white noise fades into his head.

'Jet..It's Joan.' Jet nearly chokes on his saliva as he anxiously grabs the side of his head.

'Joan! How are you talking to me?'

'I don't have much time, but you can't go to the Battlefield! What ever you do, don't go. Please Jet!' Joan pleads. Jet scrunches up his face confused.

'What are talking about, why not?' Blinking his visions begin's to blur, a bright white light shining through his eye lids. As Jet covers his eyes with hands, the white light begins to subside. Slowly peeking out from between his fingertips he see's a pure white atmosphere surrounding him. Rubbing his eye's again, he blinks a few times before seeing a faint figure appearing in front of him. Slowly Joan, in a black latex tactical body suit, fades in front of him, they both widen their eyes in excitement and run for each other. Jumping into each others arms they start shaking, trembling as they tightly hug each other.

'Jet, I've missed you so much!' Joan says in between breaths as she set's him down. Smiling at each other a tear drizzles down Jet's cheek, Joan's eyes begin to water as she embraces Jet in another hug.

'I've missed you so much too Joan, so so so much!' Jet let's out in between shaky breaths. He let's her go and gives her an odd look. 'How are we seeing each other and where are we? Wheres Brian?' Jet look's over Joan's shoulder to see nothing but white.

'He should be here any second actually, but we are on a Line. It's like video chat in a way, but we are actually mentally connected, all of us.' Joan replies as she grin's and gives him another hug. Jet open's his mouth about to ask a question, but Joan quickly turns him around. There standing watching him earnestly with huge smiles on their faces Brian, Rai, Otit, and Reanne in their black latex tactical skin suits. His jaw immediately drops, more tears fighting to fall from his eyes, he quickly runs to them embracing them all in a group hug.

"Jet?! What the hell's wrong with him!?" Lana screams as she huddles over Jet's body laying on the ground. She quickly looks up to Redrick, Karlyn and Keoki who are looking down at her with a confused stare.

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