Chapter Forty-Five: Angel and Riley vs Angel Six pt. 2

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Angel's clothes begins to stick to him, he groans as he try's prying it away from his skin. Lightning crackles around Riley's hand as he glares at Gabriel. Gabriel smirks as his spear appears in his hands. He twirls it around then sticks the tip of it into the ground.

Riley rushes towards Gabriel, lightning surging all throughout his arm. Riley leaps into the air, reeling his arm back. Gabriel smirks as he looks up at Riley, Angel begins to run towards them as well.

Angel pulls his bow and shoots an arrow as he's being hit by a ball of fire by Cassiel. The arrows hits Riley in the back of his elbow, it jerks his arm forward faster than expected and hits Gabriel in the face, the electricity courses through his head. His eyes roll in the back of his head as he falls on his back, he soon begins to twitch.

Cassiel and Azazel leap up and kick Riley down. As he slams into the ground, he bounces up and gets hit with a gust of wind made by their wings.

Riley is hurled farther back, he slams into the ground gasping for air. He rolls on his sides grabbing hold of them. Riley sees black spots everywhere as he continues having trouble breathing.

Angel unleashes a barrage of arrows at the two from above. Angel sees clouds of dirt and sand around the ground. Angel sees two Azazel's standing in, one crumbles away as the other falls to his knees, blood trickling out his wounds.

Angel gasps when he feels an intense pain in his back, he glances back and sees the handle of Cassiel's axe. He suddenly feels the blood running down his back.

Cassiel smiles as some drops of blood hit his face. He smears it around as he watches Angel fall down. Cassiel quickly grabs his axe and yanks it out as Angels within arm reach. Angel shrieks in pain as he feels the shock course through him.

Cassiel lifts up his leg and smashes it down on Angel's stomach, sending him hurling harder into the ground. The ground explodes from the powerful kick, chunks of rock breaking apart around them.

Riley watches in shock as his breath slows down. He then sees Cassiel walking towards him, dragging along his axe. He looks back at Angel and sees his legs sticking out of the crack, completely still.

Riley gulps loudly as he lifts his hand up slowly, Cassiel stomps on a few feet of the skeleton on the ground. Cassiel kicks a ball of fire at Riley, he moves his head out of the way and continues bringing up more skeleton hands to catch Cassiel.

More electricity begins to surge through Riley's hands as well, he lifts up both hands ready to fight. Cassiel feels something yanking him back, he looks back and sees his axe being pulled down. Cassiel groans as he lets it go, letting it sink down.

Cassiel's arm light up with fire. He smirks as he tries to punch Riley, but Riley ducks down and hits Cassiel in the stomach with his palms. Cassiel groans as he feels the sudden burning feeling coursing through him. He begins to feel his stomach churning in pain as the organ begins to slowly fail.

Cassiel grabs hold of stomach as he hazily tumbles back. He hits his back against a lamp post, he grabs hold of it to steady himself.

"What did you do it me?"

Riley smirks as he lifts up his arms, "The electricity coursing through my arms releases a burst of small individual bolts of lightning. It releases it each time my palms make contact with anything." Riley smirks as he looks down at Cassiel's feet.

Cassiel looks down and sees hisself being held down by the skeleton hands. Cassiel immediately looks up and sees Riley lunging at him. Cassiel gasps as he quickly engulfs himself in flames. Riley stops inches from Cassiel, feeling the intense heat and backs away.

"Let's see if you can touch me now that I have the ultimate defense." Cassiel teases as he hears sizzling from the light rain hitting him.

Riley gulps loudly as he looks around, he smirks then looks back to Cassiel.

Azazel suddenly appears behind Riley while having half his body up from the ground, and grabs hold of him. Riley looks back and gasps, he looks forward and sees a blast of fire being thrown at him.

Riley immediately closes his eyes, he feels the intense heat, but no pain. He opens them to see Angel's shield protecting him. He smirks as looks back down at Azazel, the lightning courses through his body, electrocuting Azazel.

Riley swiftly spins on his heel and kicks Azazel in the face, Azazel's body jerks back, his back arching over and blood running up his face from his mouth.

Riley waves the smoke away from around him, as it disperses he sees someone standing behind Cassiel. When the black smoke disappears he sees Angel standing behind Cassiel with an arrow through his heart.

Cassiel spits out some blood, it runs down his chin and throat.

Angel steps back, leaving the arrow in. Cassiel grabs the arrow and slowly pulls it out, he tosses it to the side and turns around. He sees Angel aiming several arrows at him. Cassiel looks down and sees his axe halfway in the ground.

Cassiel reaches down for it, as his hand wraps around the handle the arrows suddenly begin impaling him through the chest. Angel lowers his bow and puts it back on his back.

Cassiel falls to his side, blood gushing out the wounds.

Azazel climbs out of the ground as Gabriel floats beside him. Gabriel's spear appears, the spear suddenly turns gold with a few different colors splashed at the tip of it. Gabriel suddenly throws the spear at Angel, he barely manages to dodge it. The spear hits the ocean, it suddenly explodes from the sudden impact.

"Woah." Angel quietly mutters to himself.

Gabriel's spear appears in his hands, he flings it again. Angel quick puts up his shield as Riley begins running around to Azazel.

The spear hits his shield, causing a huge crack. Angel stumbles back a little before feeling someone behind him. He holds up his arms to block his face as Gabriel kicks his arms, sending Angel soaring to the side.

Azazel leaps into the air as Riley tries to trip him, he punches down on Riley's head. Riley face hits the ground hard, he rolls onto his back to see Azazel swinging his mace down.

Suddenly Angel's shield appears, blocking the mace. Riley quickly rolls out of the way and stands up. Riley's hands turn purple as he calls up some skeletons. Azazel groans as he shakes his head in annoyance.

Angel's shield disappears, Angel gets up from the ground. He glances at his arm and sees it purple, a large bruise forming around his forearm.

Gabriel leaps into the air and throws his spear at Angel's feet, the ground explodes sending Angel soaring back. Dust and debris are blown high into the air. Gabriel smirks as his spear appear in his hands again, he glances down at Angel to see him laying by the edge.


Riley blows back Azazel with some lightning, Azazel looks at his chest to see some steam rising from it. Some skeletons arms rise from the ground and begin pulling Azazel into the ground. Riley then sees Gabriel winding back his spear.

Angel groggily gets on all fours, he looks up and sees the spear turn silver. Gabriel smiles evilly as he throws it with all his might. Angel's eyes widen in fear, he suddenly sees Riley cover him from the front. Angel puts up his shield, the spear shatters the shield. The spear impales them both, slicing straight through them. The spear hits the ground causing another huge explosion, the ground around them breaks apart, sending them both over the edge into the water below with the debris.

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