Chapter Forty: Where Were U?

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Raphael puts his back to the battle behind him and begins working on Gabriel. His lays Gabriel on his back, Gabriel startles Raphael by grabbing his hand.

"Please, don't let me disappear." Gabriel pleads as his bloody hand begins to shake. Raphael nods his head and puts Gabriel's hand back to his side. Raphael's eyes and hands begin to change color to white. The aura around his hands brighten as he places his hands over the hole in Gabriel's chest.

He sees the bright flames illuminating across the ground in front of him. Raphael feels the heat getting hotter. He groans in pain as some spewing lava hits his armor. He glances back and sees Michael underneath the powerful flow of fire.

Raphael's looks down at the ground and sees the lava spreading everywhere around Michael. He looks up and sees Brian spewing out the fire.

He grabs Gabriel and leaps onto a nearby building and continues healing him while faced towards the battle. He looks to the side and sees his bow.

"I'm going to save you, Michael."

Raphael sees the veins, tissue, bones, blood being created where the hole was in Gabriel's chest.

"Just hold on Michael."

A few bubbles escape Joan's mouth as she opens her mouth for a split second. But slams shut her mouth again to avoid drowning. She opens her eyes to see the undead walking towards them, waiting to feast on them.

Triden swallows up an Angel then head butts another, nearly smashing the Angles head in. He flicks his tail and stabs an Angel.

He blows his wings around blowing around feathers, some begin to stick to Angels. A second passes before the feathers spark and catch fire then loud explosions flash throughout the grey afternoon sky.

Samael falls from the sky in a mesh of objects from Heaven. He looks around him and sees the grey sky and notices the war happening down below. He sees Triden and grits his teeth.

Samael leaps out of the ball of fire and flies overhead of Triden. He slams into the creature and crashes it through several hills of debris before dragging it along the pavement. He stops and raises Triden up by its throat, "Have you had enough Griffin?"

Triden squawks as he scratches Samael's wrist open with his claws.

Samael groans in pain as he sees the slit all the way up from his wrist to his elbow. Blood trickles out the long and narrow cut.

His grip on Triden's throat tightens. Triden caws as it begins to suffocate.

Samael sees its legs kicking around trying to scratch him but he steps away from its feet. Samael's eyes widen as he looks back and sees a gust of wind, it hits him in the chest sending him soaring into the air. Otit throws more and more at Samael, cracking and tearing the armor.

Triden breaths slowly as it gets up and stands beside Otit. Triden blows its right wing around blowing quick bursts of wind at Samael. The both of them together hitting Samael with powerful blows of wind. His armor cracks around his chest and back, seconds pass before the armor completely shatters. Samael falls to the ground, coughing up blood from the sudden fall.

Samael pulls out his spear and swings it around, Otit easily blocks it with his fan and jumps up to kick Samael in the chin. Samael blocks it and hits Otit in the ribs.

Otit groans in pain as he raises his elbow and slams it down on the top of Samael's head. Samael falls down on his back, gasping for air, he looks around seeing his vision blur, images spiraling around to create disfigured humanoid faces.

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