After Thought

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I started Black Hearts more than 3 years ago as one of the first stories I took seriously for myself. I had no idea that it would become what it was now. I initially intended it to be a short story, leaving it off where I did for the first book. But I couldn't get the story and characters out of my head because it was such an interesting plot and the characters were fun! As the year went by after finishing it, I ended up brainstorming and coming up with new and fresh ideas. Thus creating Book Two, and I'm happy with the way it progressed.

It's a bittersweet feeling knowing I finished this gem.

Little fun fact; this story was supposed to take a completely different take. It was gonna be about these characters that were powered by different gems found on Earth, each gem had different abilities linked to it. And a powerful and evil corporation wanted all of the gems to themselves to control the world.

Who knows, maybe sometime down the road I'll actually write that haha.

Though it's taken me awhile to finally complete this series, I'm happy I took my time with it. I'm sure if I had rushed it, it would of turned out completely different and more anti-climatic. I realize looking back now how plain and indescribable most of the scenes were in the books, for good reason actually. And I'm about to tell you why after all this time, though I'm sure you've caught on by now. Lol..

I'm not good at describing things, like at all. I'll try my best at describing and it'll turn out god awful. Case in point when I'll try to describe a characters outfit, the scenery, emotions, etc. So my writing for the most part was abysmal hahahaha! So I gave very little description and information on things, sort of like the platform for you guys. And then let you all picture the rest with your own imagination, which is something I thought would be really sweet! I hope that made sense haha.

So in a way I was helping you all with your imagination, your welcome your welcome. Hehe.

I will admit something that didn't fit well into the story, the Dragons haha. I just wanted there to be a battle with a Dragon so badly, I couldn't help but add it into the story. I feel like the Dragons stuck the most out and was so random really. But oh well, can't do anything about it anymore. I thought of adding other mythical creatures as well, but I thought that having a Dragon would be confusing enough. So I just left it as is. I didn't wanna have to explain how these creature came into existence. Though as I'm thinking about it now, I could of just had God create them and use them to fight back...damn! Opportunity missed! xD

I actually didn't intend on this many characters surviving. If you've read my other stories you'll know that I have a knack for sending lots of characters to there doom, some in quiet a gruesome fashion if I might add. But yes, majority of the characters were all killed off during the Last War in the town.

I initially wanted Lyla to be sole survivor of her team, but as I was writing the chapter I felt as though she was the one that needed to go. It just felt like her character had reached the end, I was pleased with the way Manny was written so well into the story after.

And I know what your thinking about the deaths in this story; "Everybody was basically throwing themselves into everything and getting killed! *le sigh*" or something along those lines. I'll agree on that, though many of the characters didn't have a choice. Well I mean they did, they just chose to save a life. It's all complicated I know. But when your put in those situations there's no time to think, you either act or watch.

And each time a character died they had a moment to speak for a few lines before death cliche was thrown all over this story! I know. These characters had some last words to say and spoke'em. Hey, they have super powers.

Since we're talking about death I'll bring up the Angel Six. From the moment I thought of that team of Angels, I wanted them all to die by the end because they were sort of like the villains. As you can tell by the end a few of them turned out to be pretty cool. I didn't even plan on Michael being GAY either!! It all flowed outta me as I wrote.

I decided to let the Gays (Michael and Raphael) live because they needed happiness. They basically took Brian and Angel's place in having a happy ending. I'm pleasantly pleased with it.

As for Rai, I felt horrible for killing him off! He was one of my favorite characters  and I killed him! I DID IT.


Each character has there own skills they brought to the table and I had so much fun giving them their abilities that matched their personalities in a way. Which was interesting and kind of difficult to come up with considering there's a lot of different abilities that have been created. I did as much research as I could and watched as many videos on elemental battles. It was fun and I even found some interesting shows I ended up liking hehe.

As the for the very end, I'm sure your all wondering who's walking out of the water.'s safe to say who it is considering how obvious it is. I'm sure some of you are wondering why I even killed Angel off in the first place. Well, he used up all of his power during the War. He put out everything he had several times. He finally lost it all after shooting that final arrow at God. But hey, at least it's not such a terrible ending, right? Lol

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE STORY, CHARACTERS, ETC. Please don't hesitate to ask, I'll be glad to answer them as soon as I can. :)

-Thank you.

P.S.- Please don't forget to like, comment and share this story and chapters. Also, be sure to check out my other content. Adios!

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