Chapter Fifty: The End of Angel Six

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The water surrounding Joan bursts, leaving her laying on the ground. She immediately opens her eyes and lays up. She looks around and sees Brian and Otit also sitting up.

"What the hell happen? How long was I out?" Joan anxiously asks.

"It's been a few hours."

"Where's Jet? And Angel? What's happening out there? I was asleep and then I suddenly felt everyone around me. I thought it was a nightmare." Joan says as she puts a hand over her rapidly beating heart.

"I'm not sure, but something's happened to Angel! I need to go save him." Brian says as he groggily stands up. Lars stands in front of him, "What do you think your doing?"

"I'm gonna go save Angel, he needs me!" As Brian is about to take flight, Lars puts a hand on his shoulder.

"I can't let you go. You need to stay here and rest. Your friends are going to take care of him." Lars says as he tightens his grip on Brian's shoulder.

Joan sees Lars standing in some of the water from the sphere she was in. She puts her hand in it and gives it a little shock, Lars yelps in pain as he falls down. Brian looks at Joan and smiles at her before his wings appear. He launches himself up into the air and heads towards Angel.

He feels Redrick and Riley both running towards Angel as well. He descends closer to them and calls out to them.

"Brian, take Redrick to Angel! Your faster than I am! He can save him!" Riley screams out as he leaps from building to building with Redrick. Brian nods his head and swoops by Redrick, picking him up.

Brian lands on the edge of the cliff and looks out into the sea. Redrick points down below, "He's down there!"

Brian grabs Redrick and leaps down beside Angel. They immediately see his face pale and his lips purple. Brian crouches down over him and notices the hole in Angel's stomach. Brian tries to wake him up, "Angel, baby, you need to wake up."

Redrick sits down beside Angel's head, waiting.

"Come on baby. You need to wake up so Redrick can help you." Brian caresses Angel's cheek. Angel mumbles something under his breathe.

"What is it Angel?" Brian leans in closer to Angel.

"I love you." Angel mumbles out as he gives Brian a small smile. Brian chuckles as he plants a kiss on Angel.

Brian slowly raises Angel up, Redrick sits behind Angel and places both hands on his back. The aura around Redricks's hands turns black as he begins giving Angel energy. Angel feels the sudden burst of power surging through him, his shield immediately appears and begins healing the hole at a faster rate than usual.

Riley stops at the cliff side and sees Angel healing. He smiles as he drops down and lands a few feet from them.

"How's he doing?" Riley asks.

"He'll be healed in no time." Brian says as he holds Angel's hand tightly. Riley sees that and looks away to see Angel staring at him.

"How'd this happen?" Brian curiously asks to both Riley and Angel.

"That group of Angels attacked us. We weren't prepared and they overwhelmed us. Gabriel, threw a spear at Angel. I thought I could stop it with my body, but it ended cutting through both of us." Riley says as he crosses his arms.

"That was really reckless of you both to do, but I'm glad you guys are safe. Who are you by the way?" Brian curiously asks as he glances at Riley.

"I found Jet and his team unconscious after their battle at the Bridge of Hallows. I helped them out and I decide to tag along to help." Riley says as he cheekily smiles.

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