Chapter Forty-Four: Angel and Riley vs Angel Six pt. 1

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Angel looks back and sees Rai, Reanne and Riley behind him on triangle boards made from his own shield. Other Black Hearts following close behind on different elemental boards as well.

"You guys okay back there?"

They all nod their heads. Angel looks ahead and sees the army of Angels heading at them. "We will prevail!!" Angel screams as he picks up speed.

The two forces collide, Angel shoots an Angel in the throat with his bow. He grabs another and breaks his neck. An Angel comes from behind him, he looks back and sees a bullet zoom by his head. The bullet hits the Angel in the face, blowing his brains out.

Reanne aims her sniper around and snipes down an Angel about to break the neck of another Black Heart.

Reanne hears someone pop their knuckles behind her, she glances back and sees a woman smirking at her. Reanne puts her sniper on her back and puts up her fists.

The Angel pulls out a long dagger from its holster. Reanne groans as she quickly pulls out her handgun and shoots the Angel in the heart.

Sonya appears on one of Angel's boards and floats next to Reanne, both eyeing the battles happening around them.

"Makes you wonder how much easier it would be to have their powers, huh?" Sonya says as she glances at Angel. Reanne nods her head, "I used to think that they wouldn't need me, a human to help them. But they've made me feel like such an important part of this team they had."

Sonya looks back and kicks an Angel in the gut before jumping up and kicking his throat in. Reanne snipes down two Angels beside each other.

"Your a good shot."

"I used to be apart of the Navy Seals."

Reanne smirks as she snipes down more and more Angels. They suddenly see Angels with a different armor heading towards Angel and Riley, who are fending off an assault of Angels

Rai flies up next to Reanne, "They need our help!" Sonya and Reanne both nod their heads as they head out to help the two.

Angel and Riley look back and see Gabriel, Celeste, Cassiel and Azazel soaring towards them.

"Shit!" Angel shouts as he breaks the neck of the Angel in front of him. He grabs Riley's hand and soars away from the fights, towards the shore. Angel looks back and pulls out his bow, he begins shooting arrows at them. They easily dodge the blue arrows. Angel charges up a few arrows to yellow and shoots them, a few hit the Angels armor but it barely scratches it.

Angel looks forward again and sees Riley charging up some lightning in his hand. He looks back and shoots a bolt, Gabriel gets electrocuted, but continues flying.

"Damn. Their persistent." Angel mutters under his breath. Riley nods his head and charges up even more lightning in his hands. Riley and Angel glance at each other, both looking down at each other's weapon and abilities. They smirk as they nod their heads.

Angel charges up his arrow to yellow and quickly turns around and shoots it as Riley shoots out a bolt of lightning. The arrow and lightning combine creating a lightning arrow. It soars through the air and hits Celeste in the wing, she cries out in pain as she gets electrocuted and gets sent hurling down to the ground. She crashes through a few buildings then into a ruined store. She groans in pain as she looks around and sees a few of the undead eating some bodies. She gasps as they look up at her, their red eyes piercing through her.

"Shit." She mutters under her breath.

"Celeste!" Cassiel shrieks as he sees her crash into the store.

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