PART III: Black Hearts

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As Joan and Otit are free falling with Reanne and Rai, they feel the intense pressure coming from the mountains.

"That's gotta be HIM!"

"What are we going to do about Reanne and Rai? They won't be waking up anytime soon." Otit curiously asks as he looks back at them.

Joan closes her eyes, 'I know they would want to help us finish this, but they won't be able to stand a chance in a fight with HIM. We barely have a slight chance at winning, but it's a chance I'm willing to take. I'll fix what Brian messed up, I'll do it!'

Joan looks over at Otit, "I'm going to stop God before he even makes it to the city! I'm gonna leave Reanne and Rai with someone in the city, if you want to you can stay with them. I'm not gonna make you go with me if you don't want to!" Joan shouts over the howling in her ear from the wind.

"I'm going with you!"

Joan smiles as she nods her head. She quickly envelopes all of them in a strike of lightning. The strike hits the ground in the middle of a street. Joan sees a few black hearts running to the museum.

"Hey!" She calls out to them. The three black hearts look back and see her and Otit carrying the two unconscious people.

"What's happen? Are you okay?" One of the guys asks.

"They need medical attention immediately." Joan says as he puts Reanne in one of the guys arms as Otit does the same.

"Make sure they are safe and kept out of harms way. And when they wake... Tell them not to come looking for us."

The men stand quietly, they nod their heads and make their way to the museum. When the men look back they don't see Joan or Otit.

The three men run at full speed to the museum. They make it to the museum and see the army of Black Hearts, Red Hearts and Fighters lined up with Jets and Lyla's team at the tip of the stairs.

They see Angel and Jet looking up at the lightning in the clouds receding back into the clouds.

Angel gasps when he looks down at the road, 'I can feel.. Rai. He's close by.'

The three men run up the stairs, past Angel and the others. Angels eyes widen when he looks back and sees the back of the three men and someone in their arms.

Angel runs after the three men.

"Angel! Where are you going!?" Jet calls out after him.

"You three stop!!"

Joan and Otit leap from building to building trying to get out of the city as fast as possible. She gasps when she senses Jet and Angel back at the center of the city. She glances back, feeling it more and more.

"Is it really them?" Joan softly asks to herself.

"Joan, look out!!" Otit screams as he tackles Joan out of the way. They both plummet down to the streets below. Joan looks up at the sky and sees a small dragon headed to them.

"It looks like the big ass one from before!" Joan shouts as Otit nods his head. He conjures some wind around his legs and soars back up, with Joan on his back, past the dragon.

"Where the hell did that thing come from?! Did it follow us all the way from the US?!" Joan curiously asks as she glances back at the dragon.

"We don't have time to figure that out now." Otit says as he glances back at her, she nods her head agreeing with him.

"Sorry little guy, but we don't have time for you!" Joan shouts as she shoots it in the wing with a bolt of lightning. The dragon roars as it tumbles all the way down to the empty streets.

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