✟Chapter NINE: ANGEL SIX part 1 ✟

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Six Angel's in Golden Diamond encrusted armor bowing on one knee to a pure white wall in a mass of darkness, slowly lifting their head's up as a light voice speak's, slowly lifting their head's up one by one as their names are called,

"Gabriel the Saint"

"Archangel Michael"




"And Raphael, you six will be chosen to eliminate the group of Black Heart's in Europe that threaten's the safety of our world. If this group of creatures succeed in making it to their destination, we will all perish in the Hell they would produce. You will leave immediately, do not fail this deed that has been bestowed upon you six. Our future is in you're hand's, do not fail." Getting off the ground with their hand's behind their back's they all bow their head's and take a step back onto a circular white ground. A bright white light envelope's them as they descend down onto Earth.

The Sun ray's begin to poke hole's through the dark and grey cloudy skies. Walking out of the ray of light, the six Angel's look around the ocean shore's. Gabriel scoff's as he look's down at his feet, kicking the sand he shakes his head. "How do we find them? The Order didn't actually give us much information regarding these disgusting Black Heart's or where they were at." Gabriel say's as he kick's more dirt into the air. Michael slowly breathes in air, looking up at the sky he see's the sun ray's receding back into the sky. The dark and grey cloudy skies returning, giving the air a gloomy feel.

Celeste and Azazel both crouch down next to each other, digging their hand's in the sand. "We don't have much, but there were definitely Black Heart's here, it's faint though. They shouldn't of gone too far." Celeste say's in a quiet tone, getting back up she waves her hand around shaking off the sand. Azazel dig's another hand into the sand. Cassiel adjust's his Battle Axe on his back, shifting it to his side he groan's as he shift's it back again. Raphael standing still with his hand's behind his back, watching everyone. Suddenly a black butterfly with blue spot's on it's wing's begin's to flutter around his nose, circling around his head it perches itself on his shoulder. Looking at the detail on the bug, he lean's in closer toward's it. The butterfly quickly flutter's away into the tree's behind him.

"We must go and finish this quickly. I want to get back as quickly as possible, before we were called by the Order I heard rumor's that we were infiltrated by something." Michael say's in a deep tone of voice, walking in the middle of everyone. Azazel wipes away the sand on his armor, getting back up he nod's his head.

"Get you're self ready, the lot of you. We don't know exactly how many of them are their nor what their capable of." Michael say's as he looks around at the group to make sure they are prepared.

Azazel sigh's as he quickly dig's his hand's into the sand again, pulling out his Morning Star Mace. Celeste point's the palm of her hand toward's the ocean, a burst of water breaches out and splashes onto her hand revealing her Katanna. Spinning it in her hand's a few time's she stop's and hold's it behind it back. Raphael pull's out his bow perched on the arrow sack on his back. Gabriel hold's his hand up, a long golden pole with a diamond encrusted arrow head appears out of thin air and lands in his hand.

"Why do you think the Order sent us away to eliminate these Black Hearts suddenly and without preparation? We were just called upon so suddenly, I feel as though they seemed a tad bit, dare I say, scared?" Cassiel ask's as he weigh's his weapon in his hand's. Micheal glances at Gabriel to see him chuckling, slightly squinting his eye's Michael raises his eyebrow, "What is so funny brother?" Gabriel shakes his head as he start's to laugh, "I just find it funny that the Order would be this terrified to have to send us out here to this Hell hole to find some pathetic creature's that could possibly destroy us. I mean Black Heart's? What kind of Black Heart would be able to scare them that much?"

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