Chapter Thirty-Two: Connection Lost

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"We are gonna rest for a few more minutes then head out when Joan's back to health." Brian says as he pushes off the wall.

"How far along are we to till we get to the building?" Otit curiously asks as he glances at Brian.

Brian nods his head to the road, signaling Otit to follow. They both walk to the road, they glance around the corner and see the tall building at the end of the street, about 4 blocks away.

"How are we gonna get in? I'm sure there's guards everywhere in there." Otit asks as they both walk back to the others.

"We are gonna need a distraction. And I think I know how we could do that."

"What do you have in mind?" Otit anxiously asks as he sees Brian smirk.

Taka burst from the alleyway, screeching as it soars through the sky. It begins attacking buildings and Angels in its way.

"Taka, won't be able to hold off all of the enemies alone. We might have 20 minutes to actually get anything done." Brian says as he stares up at Taka, who is blowing out fire.

Joan groggily stands up, "How do you summon those? Maybe if I can, it'll help Taka out." Joan suggests as she grabs hold of the wall for support.

"You need to build up a lot of energy in your hands and brain. When you have enough stored you need to release it into the ground as quickly as possible. If you don't do it quickly, there's a chance you could have your brain and hands explode off." Brian says as he shows a scar on his left hand. Joan tries to stand, she closes her eyes and attempts to store up energy.

Her hands begin to turn blue as electricity crackles around them, suddenly a large lightning strikes down on Joan, shocking everyone around her. The shock sends them all soaring onto their backs. Joan looks around her, completely embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry! I don't know how the hell I did that!" Joan cries out as she tries helping everyone up.

"It's okay. Your fine."

Otit suddenly slams his hands to the ground. A large Griffin breaks through the ground in front of them. Joan's eyes widen in shock as she sees it soar through the wind, it's entire body white.

"What the hell!?" She cries out in jealousy. She looks back at Otit and sees a huge smirk on his face.

"Triden! Help Taka keep the Angels busy for as long as possible!" The Griffin nods it's head as it soars towards Taka to help out.

Rai suddenly feels the intense pressure from Samael getting closer. "We need to get out of here now! Samael and Kat are coming directly for us! There aura seems even more darker and powerful, let's go!" Rai cries out as he begins running down the alley.

In the distance they hear the screeching of Taka and Triden and Angels screaming in terror.

Brian's wings appear on his back, he runs behind Rai and lifts him up. Joan's electric board appears under feet and she soars with Reanne on the board behind her. Otit's legs are entwined with a whirlpool of wind.

Brian glances back and sees the two mystical creatures causing havoc in the city. Certainly getting the attention of all the Angels.

Brian and the rest of the team land in front of the double doors to the large building.

"It's empty. There's no Angels in this building either. We're in the clear." Rai says as he walks through the doors with everyone close behind him. They see the same lobby as the one in Newton's Tower. Rai and Otit head straight for the computer desk at the center of the lobby. Brian and Joan check out the rest of the floor while Reanne keeps guard at the double doors with her sniper in hand watching the events occur outside with the creatures and Angels.

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