Chapter Fifty-Two: Angel's Strength

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"Raiiii!!!" Reanne screams in horror as she covers her mouth.

God pulls his hand out from Rai's chest, Rai falls to his knees, he looks up at God in utter shock. Manny and Charel both lung at God, but he blows them both back into the alleyways. Rai's body gets flung back, he rolls to a stop, leaving tracks of blood behind him.

God teleports up into the sky beside his army. He watches Brian and the others on the roof, completely still in shock.

Lana and Lars rush over to Rai's body. She slides next to him and turns him over onto his back, she immediately begins to try to heal the wound.

"Come on Rai. Come on!" Lana cries out as she tries bringing him back to life. Rai's cold dead eyes staring up at the sky. Lana stops healing him and lays her head on his stomach, crying.

Lars puts a hand on her shoulder, she looks up at him. He helps her up, she puts her back to Rai's body. She looks down and sees the stream of blood flowing in between her legs, she shakes as she moves away from it with Lars.

"Finish them while they're in shock." God says as he wipes away the blood off his hands. The Angels soar towards Brian and the others on the rooftop. They look up, not moving a muscle.

Suddenly a barrage of arrows takes down a few of the Angels. Then a few bolts of lightning striking others. The Angels retreat back from the deceased Angels falling from the sky.

Angel and Redrick glide down in front of everyone on the rooftop. "Don't let his death be in vein." Angel softly says as he continues looking forward. Redrick sees the triangular board at his feet, he glances down at everyone on the streets below and he sees Rai's body.

"Damnit Rai." Redrick mutters to himself, he slightly shakes as he turns his anger towards God.

Angel draws his bow and aims at God, he charges it up to red and shoots it. God teleports outta the way, narrowly avoiding the arrow. He feels the intense explosion behind him.

Angel and Redrick soar towards the army, Angel draws his bow and shoots a few more arrows. Redrick pulls out his handguns and shoots down as many as he can.

Karlyn and Keoki rise from below on a large boulder. "We've got your back Angel!" Karlyn shouts as she raises some smaller boulders beside her. Keoki smirks as he wraps a few vines around the boulder their on. He shoots dozens of wooden spikes out. Karlyn flings the boulders out, she snaps her fingers as they're about to hit the Angels. They glow red for an instant then explode, sending more wooden spikes in every direction.

Angel smirks as he closes in on God. Karlyn and Keoki following close behind them. Keoki uses the vines to impale a few unlucky Angels trying to destroy the Boulder they're standing on.

Karlyn continues flinging boulders around, explosions happening everywhere and spikes soaring in every direction.

Redrick sees an Angel below them, he flips the shield upside down and shoots down the Angel. He flips it right side up again, a wide smirk on his face.

Angel charges up his arrow to red and shoots it again at God, he teleports outta the way again. As he comes back he sees another arrows heading straight to him, he sees an Angel beside him and uses him as a shield. The Angel explodes sending God hurling back. He groans as he feels the blood trickling down his armor and face. Angel flies through the black smoke at full speed. God holds up his arms as Angels punches him with all his might. God is sent hurling down to the streets, as he crashes into the ground a huge explosions sends debris everywhere.

Angel breaths in heavily as he sees the grey smoke below rising to the clouds. Karlyn and Keoki watch as the Angels around them fly back, keeping their distance.

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