✟ Chapter Twenty Seven: Mount Olympus ✟

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Rai leaps out of the way as the Wolf slams into the wall, causing a few rocks to break apart. "Joan!" Rai cries out for her. He glances over to where she was blasted into, he only sees the smoke continuing to rise.

The Wolf swiftly spins rapidly, Rai doesn't notice it coming straight for him from behind. He instantly feels the sudden impact of the hit from the back, it flings him forward causing him to roll down a few steps. He groans in pain as he gets on all fours and looks up to see the vortex coming down on him. He groggily leaps to the side, barely avoiding the hit, but getting flung far from the pressure of the hit.

"If this thing could of taken down Brian and Joan, there's no way I can handle this thing alone!" Rai exclaims as he crawls back, shaking furiously as the wolf growls at him. As it takes a step, it's paws are lit on fire, leaving behind more patches of fire. It lets out a ear popping howl, bolts of electricity coursing through the howl. Rai covers his ears as the sparks of electricity begin zapping him all over his body, making his body go numb. He falls to his knees, some blood trickling out his ears. He looks up to see the wolf within feet of him, some drool drips down it's teeth.

It whips it's tail around and hits him on the side, flinging him to the side of the stairs. He collides into the a small wall, nearly toppling it over. Rai groans in pain as he tries to move, but fails.

The Wolf smirks at him as it opens its mouth wide open revealing even larger fangs. It prepares to bite down on him, but before it could make contact with Rai's shoulder a large blast of wind knocks it the side. Rai blinks a few times and looks to the left to see Otit, Reanne and Brian running up to him. As they make it to him, Reanne slides towards him and begins checking his wounds.

"How hurt are you?"

"I can manage. Thanks."

Brian and Otit stand in front of them as the wolf stands back up. Joan leaps out from the hole in the ground and lands beside Brian, "You okay?" Brian ask's her when he sees some of her clothing shredded. She nods her head.

"This thing is pretty tough. More than I expected it to be." Joan says as she pats down on her shirt, some dirt and dust fall off it.

Brian and Joan watch as they Wolf begins to circle around them, eyeing each of them menacingly. It's paws light on fire before it winds back on it's hind legs and dashes for Reanne and Rai, she grabs him and turns him away, putting her back to the wolf and Rai in front of her, using herself as a shield. The Wolf pounces on her back, clawing her back as the fire begins sizzling on her skin. She cries out in pain as she falls forward onto Rai.

Brian, Joan and Otit gasp when the Wolf bites down on her shoulder, drawing some blood from Reanne. She cries out in even more pain, she begins shaking as she on all fours over Rai. He looks up at her, shocked as some blood drips down on his neck. The Wolf bites down even harder and lets go, it leaps back. Blood oozing down it's fangs.

"Why'd you do that?" Rai anxiously ask's as he sees Reanne wincing in pain. "It was my instincts kicking in." She simply says before fainting on top of him. He rolls her off of him softly, he checks her wound to see some the bite mark. He looks back at the others to see Joan and Otit holding down the wolf. A ball of fire forms in Brian's hand, he powers it up before.

Brian unleashes it on the Wolf, Joan and Otit quickly leap out of the way. The ball of fire hits the wolf on its side, scorching it's fur. Leaving behind burnt skin, the wolf cries out in pain as it begins rolling on its back to kill the flames on its back.

Joan's right hand sparks as electricity envelopes her hand, she stands in front of the whimpering wolf, staring each other in the eyes. She raises her hand close to her head and quickly attacks the wolf, impaling the wolf in its throat.

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