Chapter Fifty- One: Last Stand

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Joan and Otit both see Lars talking with the Black Heart that spoke with Brian earlier. Lars nods his head and turns away as the Black Heart takes off with others around him.

Lars watches the group of soldiers dash off towards other soldiers waiting for them.

"What's happening?" Joan curiously asks as she walks up to Lars with Otit.

"It seems as though we're on the verge of winning this war. Brian wants us to head over to him while the others finish off the undead." Lars says as he begins to leave the barrier.

"We're winning!? I missed all the action. Damn." Joan mutters under her breath as she looks around, seeing the destruction and bodies littered around the streets.

"Shit man. There's nothing left here in this city anymore. This destruction is awful." Joan says as she sees a few birds pecking at the dead bodies.

Brian and his group reach Karlyn, Keoki, Lana and Charel who are already finishing off the last of the Angels around them.

Karlyn slams a Angel down on the ground, Keoki wraps a vine around his waist and pins him down to the ground. Charel pulls out her handgun and shoots him in the back of his head, blood squirting out the front of his face.

"You guys okay!?" Brian asks as he reaches them. Karlyn and Keoki nod their heads.

"Yeah, we just finished up." Karlyn says as she looks down at the dead Angels around them.

"It seems you guys did a hell of a job over here." Brian smirks as he looks around at the bodies.

"What do we do now?" Keoki asks as he walks up to Brian.

"We wait for the others. Joan, Otit and Lars should be here any minute." Brian says as he looks around, feeling them get closer.

A few moments pass and the three of them appear in the distance. Joan sees Jet and she immediately dashes towards him, Jet smiles and runs to her as well.

Jet jumps into her arms, hugging her tightly. "I'm glad your safe!" Joan says as she smiles brightly. Jet holds her tighter.

"I'm glad your safe also. Where's Angel?" Joan asks as she looks around at the group.

"He's healing himself, he was badly injured, but Redrick's with him. They'll catch up with us in a little while." Brian says as he looks in the direction of the ocean.

Lana and Charel immediately notice Manny alone without his team. "Where's Leila and the others? I thought they would've been here." Charel curiously asks as she looks around.

Everyone who doesn't know about them, turn to look at Manny. Manny immediately tenses up as he looks to the ground, his eyes sadden at the thought of them.

Jet lets go of Joan and stands beside Manny, "I don't think nows a good time to discuss-." Manny cuts Jet off, "It's fine. They need to know."

Manny takes a deep breath, "They're all dead."

Everyone frowns in confusion, "What are you talking about?" Lana anxiously asks as she stands beside Manny.

Manny nods his head and crosses his arms, "They took us out one by one. But we managed to take them out."

"I'm so sorry Manny." Lana and Charel say as they hug him.

"I'm sorry too. I just wish I could've done more. But we need to move on and continue." Manny says as he looks to everyone.

"He's right. Let's go." Brian says as he takes the lead with Joan and Jet behind him then everyone else.

In the distance they see the Angel's in the sky, watching them.

✟  ✟Book 2: Black Hearts: Redemption  ✟  ✟Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang