Chapter Thirty One: Alley Way Battle

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Neither Brian nor Reanne notice them in trouble and continues on to the large building.

Samael smirks as he lifts himself out the large hole in the ground and stands by Kat. They both watch as the three beings groggily crawl out of the hole.

"A sooner warning would of been much much better Rai." Joan slyly says to him as she wipes away a trickle of blood on the side of her mouth.

"I didn't even notice him until he was just above us, I'm sorry." Rai apologizes as he ruffles his curly hair, getting the dirt out of it.

"So your the ones who've caused so much destruction to my home." Samael says as he crosses his arms.

"Yeah well we could say the same for you!" Joan spits back at him.

Samael smirks as takes a step to them, Joan and Otit quickly jump on their feet ready to fight.

"Let see what you Black Hearts are capable of. So far the ones I've fought and killed weren't much of a challenge or interesting, let's see if you two can." Samael grins as he pulls out his two headed spear from the latch on his back. He spins it around and digs it slightly into the ground, startling Rai. Rai gets up off the ground and digs into his pockets and feels for more bubbles.

"I knew flying above the city would lead me to you all. But it seems like 2 of you are missing. Kat where are they?"

Kats closes her eyes and begins to locate the others, "They aren't within my perimeter. So they must be far from here." Kat opens her eyes and raises her glasses to see better.

"Ah, well I'll go after them as soon as I've killed you three." Samael says as he swings his two headed spear and digs it into the cement ground again.

Joan begins to conjure lightning in her left hand as Otit begins to conjure up more wind. Rai grabs two bubbles in his hand, ready to throw them.

Samael stares deeply at Joan, his eyes turning a slight black.

Suddenly the electricity in Joan's hand disappears.

"What the fuck?" Joan cries out as she lifts her hand up to her face, she tries to conjure up more lightning but fails.

Samael suddenly bashes her with his shoulder sending her soaring back, Otit quickly crouches down and tries to trip Samael, but he quickly leaps up and dodges it. As Samael is about to land back on the ground he kicks Otit in the side of the face. Otit gets flung back to Joan who is still trying to get up off the ground. Samael softly lands on ground and makes his way to the two Black Hearts. Rai gulps loudly as he's about to throw the bubbles, but he feels someone grab his shoulder. He looks back and sees Kat standing there. She flings him over her shoulder, he slams into the ground, groaning in pain.

He rolls away from her and quickly gets up. Kat's pink wings sprout out, Rai pulls out the bubble and readies it.

Kat begins to flap her wings around, causing a few dozen feathers to glide around in the air around Rai, he stares at the feathers, taking his eyes of Kat.

As soon as he looks back, he doesn't see her anymore. His eyes widen in shock when he sees Joan with her throat slashed and Otit's chest bashed into his body.

"Oh my god." Rai quietly says before he drops the bubble, letting it gently hit the ground.

The bubble explodes sending Rai hurling through the air, he cries out in pain as he slams his back against the wall. He coughs up some dirt and looks down at his burnt clothing.

"Rai! Are you okay!?" Joan cries out for him, Rai frowns in confusion.

"Rai!!" Joan calls out for him again. Rai nods his head as he stands back up. He sees Otit breathing heavily next to Joan.

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