✟ Chapter Sixteen: Regaining Our Strength ✟

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       Charel looks up from the ground to face Karlyn, "Who's ex-boyfriend?" Charel ask's in confusion. Karlyn points to Keoki, who is still on the ground unconscious, "That's Keoki....my husband. He and Riley used to be in a relationship together before....well, it's a long story." 

       Riley sighs as he hears those words from her, he looks at Karlyn their eyes meeting one another, "We should get inside. There could be more of the undead or Angel's around." Riley walks towards Keoki and lifts him up in his arms. Karlyn and Charel both nod their heads as they make their way towards the others. Karlyn's hands begin to dimly glow yellow, slowly Jet's body begin's to glow yellow. His body lifts up off the ground, Karlyn then does the same to Angel and Redrick. Charel kneels down beside Lana and lifts her up on Charel's back. 

"Lets get going. It won't take us long to get to my shelter. When we get there, we can lay them down in the hay and let them sleep." Riley says as he begins walking into the near burnt down forest. Karlyn and Charel follow closely, Karlyn glances back at Jet, Angel and Redrick to see them floating close behind her. 

       Looking around them, Karlyn and Charle see mist and smoke nearly covering the grounds. With each step the clouds of smoke and mist disperse around their feet. Karlyn looks down in sorrow and groans in pain, quickly putting her hand to her stomach she stops walking. "Are you okay?" Charel nervously ask's her. Karlyn nods her head and continues walking with her head up high, trying to hold in the pain. 

       Riley glances back at them, "Are you guy's holding up alright?" 

"Yes, we're fine." Karlyn shouts from the back. Charel looks up to see a large waterfall flowing down into a hole. Riley walks around the ledges to a square door in the ground. Charel glances over the side to see the waterfall dropping into a flowing river at the very bottom. "How far down does this go down?" Charel anxiously ask's as she steps back and glances at Riley. 

"Its about 120 feet down to the river." Riley says as he pulls the door open with his foot. Charel whistles as she kicks down a few rocks into the river. Backing away from the edge she follows Karlyn and Riley down the door, she closes the door behind her, into a staircase leading down to an eerie hallway with candles lit along the walls. "Wow, this is incredible Riley." Karlyn says in amazement, she glances to her right to see the waterfall flowing down into the river. 

      Charel stop's behind Jet's, Angels and Redrick's body, who are still floating in mid-air. Charel looks back at Lana who is still on her back, she then begins talking to her, "Lana, this place is amazing. It's your kind of place." Charel begins to lightly chuckle to herself. 

        Following close behind the group Riley stops in front of the wooden double door, he kicks it open and walks in. Karlyn along with the others walk in look around the small cave. Riley points to the far corner of the cave, Karlyn sees hay along the ground. She walks over their and sets down the guy's. Charel too sets down Lana. 

      They look back to see Riley sitting at a table with a few chairs, they sit down with him. Sitting around the table quietly, Charel begins to fumble with her hands and fingers. 

''What they hell happen to you guy's? Who did this to you all?'' Riley anxiously ask's as he glances at Karlyn and the rest of the group.

''We were attacked at the Bridge of Hallows by six Angels, it was a brutal fight. We barely made it out alive.'' Karlyn says as she slightly groans, she puts a hand over her stomach again. Riley notices her do that, but doesn't say anything, he nods his head. 

''Why were you crossing the Bridge of Hallow's?" Riley curiously ask's as he leans in close. 

''We are on our way to the Facility just north of here. We can heal one of our own who was badly injured on the way here. Plus we are greatly needed their.'' Karlyn says as she leans back in her seat, Riley nods his head. Charel begins to cough, she excuses herself from the table to check on the others. 

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